First of: which programming language?
Here are some C# examples:
Picking snippet:
TVec3 pickPos;
if (LE.MouseHit(Mousebuttons.MOUSE_LEFT))
if (LE.CameraPick(out pick, camera, new TVec3(LE.MouseX(), LE.MouseY(), 1000), 0, 0, null) == 1)
pos = pick.position;
Looking at it using: PointEntity()
TPivot pivot = LE.CreatePivot();
LE.PositionEntity(pivot, pickPos)
LE.PointEntity(characterModel, pivot, 2, 5, 3 ) //2 is the Y axis, 5 is rotation speed, 3 is roll
Moving the entity towards the picked position:
LE.MoveEntity(characterModel, new TVec3(0,0,5), 1) //move on the local axis