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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I have a class called sound manager. You can add sound of different categories to it. This way you can pause, or lower volume on entire groups of sound.
  2. AggrorJorn


    Do you also mean plugins like special editor plugins? It would be nice to be able to build menu's for the editor where we can create our pluging with. Command examples: EditorMouseClick EditorDrag
  3. First of: which programming language? Here are some C# examples: Picking snippet: TVec3 pickPos; if (LE.MouseHit(Mousebuttons.MOUSE_LEFT)) { if (LE.CameraPick(out pick, camera, new TVec3(LE.MouseX(), LE.MouseY(), 1000), 0, 0, null) == 1) { pos = pick.position; } } Looking at it using: PointEntity() TPivot pivot = LE.CreatePivot(); LE.PositionEntity(pivot, pickPos) LE.PointEntity(characterModel, pivot, 2, 5, 3 ) //2 is the Y axis, 5 is rotation speed, 3 is roll Moving the entity towards the picked position: LE.MoveEntity(characterModel, new TVec3(0,0,5), 1) //move on the local axis
  4. sorry, bumping this thread. A DebugSound(bool) method would be usefull. It would be the same as DebugLights, only this time for (mono)sound.
  5. Do you have physics on the car? It might be falling through the terrain.
  6. Use a pick to to determine the location you want to go to. Rotate your character with LookAt towards the picked position. Move forward till the picked position had been reached.
  7. AggrorJorn

    Snow Day

    That is a nice shader you got there Josh. Just adding some snow textures on the trees randomly. Not bad.
  8. very nice. To spread them more you can upload them to the asset store.
  9. Looks like you are going the right way. Keep us posted on your progress.
  10. You are forgiven.. Can't blame a guy for trying to help right?
  11. can you post the editor log? It is in the leadwerks sdk.
  12. This only works for fullscreen. Try this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/317-lecontrol-c-project-example/
  13. For Landscape editing in the editor check out:
  14. There is a commercial game coming out. Made with Leadwerks.
  15. Hmm that is interessting. I want to try that tonight. I have written other code that can more or less do the same, but having a pick is a lot easier.
  16. With a 1280x720 resolution: works like a charm. Original download: Shows the scene for second, then changes back to the loading screen.
  17. I do it like this: //Light for (int k = 1; k <= LE.CountChildren(scene); k++) { // Get the class of the entity String tempEntity = LE.GetEntityKey(LE.GetChild(scene, k), "class", ""); if (tempEntity == "Light") //do stuff
  18. Thanks for the reply, Macklebee. Yes that is a bit a weird line. What I was trying to say: instead of painting the entire model green, (and therefor, loosing its texture) give it a greenish color. Your program shows exactly what I need to do. Only thing left to figure out is how to set the recursive parameter with SetColor in C#. thanks again for the help.
  19. Something I have never tried before is working with terrain and placing buildings on top of it. The idea is that you can build everywhere on the map as long as the slopes aren't to steep and there is no building already placed. The Grid. Although you have the freedom of building a tower where ever you want, the underlying system still works with a grid system. That means that gridpoints can be tagged as "can not build". It also leaves space between buildings which is nice because I don't have to check for colliding with other buildings. The grid displays cubes for every 2 meters. Cubes on a steep slope are colored red. All the other cubes are green and therefore enable building. Building placement I had a little setback when I had this unusual error in C# (see topic). But instead of using a Pick, I now use Camera Project. It doesn't work entirely the way I want it, but in the end it doesn't look bad. You can see a temporary building being displayed in a green or red color (depending whether you can build it on that location, yes or no). Although the building doesn't exactly follow the camera, it is still accurate enough for good gameplay. Different towers can require more tiles at once. For instance: the most basic tower is a bunker which only takes 1 tiles. However, an other tower (for instance a radar installation) can take 4x4 tiles. Every tower derives from the tower class. A simple multidimensional variable defines which tiles are necessary. for instance: [ 1, 1, 1 ] [ 1, 0, 0 ] [ 1, 0, 0 ] [ 1, 1, 1 ] This tower has a hollow shape: 1 is used for building, while 0 is still free to build something else.
  20. When I place a building on the scene, I want the model (with texture) to have a greenish color. When I can't build, it has to be red. Any idea how I can achieve this? I tried using PaintEntity, but then I can only color the mesh, and with a solid green color.
  21. LE is the reason I got in contact with programming. I wasn´t easy, but in the end it surely was worth it! There is enough room for improvement. But the clean coding language and the awesome lighting just makes it a lot of fun.
  22. A simple command returning an integer of the terrain resolution int terrainResolution = GetTerrainResolution(terrainEntity);
  23. hehe, who knows...i think I am going to wait with that till LE3. On the other hand, I find C# really comfortable. Thanks for the help Rick. I appreciate the effort. If I find something, I will update the post.
  24. Turbosquid models are looking good: http://www.turbosquid.com/Search/Index.cfm?keyword=windmill+free
  25. good idea rick. As soon as I am inside the body of the if statement, something odd happens. I have never seen this before. Notice how the builder variable suddenly is grayed out. After clicking on the 2 green arrows, it shows this: *Edit Reasons for this to be happening could have been 'setting project to debug mode' and 'uncheck optimize code'. That didn't really help.
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