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Everything posted by BLaBZ

  1. I really like your style of blogging, Glad to see things continue to develop
  2. If you're not familiar with the Pareto Principle than you may have heard it referred to as the 80 / 20 principle. The Pareto Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This is a pattern that can be seen in many places such as income, sales, wealth, etc. I've continually found this principle to take effect in my game development projects. Once I'm about 80% complete the effort to push forward seems to be just that much more. Continually inspiring myself to create this project seems to be half the battle. If you're feeling out of juice, what helps you to become re inspired and motivated?
  3. BLaBZ


    Spot on. From a business stand point, if you think the effort in making the editor extendable is going to generate profits that were worth the effort then do it. Maybe make a poll. "Would having an extendable editor be a feature you would use?" There are a lot of untapped niche markets Leadwerks could slam if it had this feature.
  4. BLaBZ

    I had an idea..

    LoL Cool idea, how top level should the engine become? Maybe Josh could add a CreateGame() function
  5. BLaBZ


    Also... what are you using to develop the GUI? Winforms? wxWidgets?
  6. BLaBZ


    So you're saying the community assumes the new editor won't meet their needs, and it's their responsibility to fix it? If that turns out to be the case when it is released, I shouldn't be in business. I haven't heard anyone name a single thing they want to extend the editor to do, except you mentioned you wanted to create a pathfinding system as an alternative to the built-in one. Nooo Josh, completely misinterpreted. What if I'm writing a specific type of game and I want the editor to reflect it to make development just that much quicker and easier. For example.. What if someone was creating a FPS game and wanted the Editor to reflect something that of the FPS Creator interface All I'm saying is this could be a good opportunity to make the editor more flexible, not to mention you could sell "editor modules" FPS Module, RTS Module, RPG Module etc It's about taking something great, and enabling users to make it better.
  7. BLaBZ


    Looks great! Is the editor going to resemble something that of Unity or Shiva?! It would be great if the actual editor was extensible via LUA so community members could extend/enhance the tools
  8. Yes! I am trying to do my own OpenGL programming for 2d drawing, I converted the Using OpenGL for drawing article code from here http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/programming/cpp/using-opengl-for-drawing-r19 to blitzmax though it still won't let me use OpenGL drawing commands,
  9. BLaBZ


    Max2d has a nice function set, makes things a lot easier, I'd rather use that then have to take the time to learn raw OpenGL, though I'd like to sometime,
  10. BLaBZ


    This has been a bit frustrating, I'm trying to use BlitzMAX's brl.max2d drawing commands but unfortunately it interferes with LE gl operations, I've tried setting changing the graphics driver, I was attempting to convert the c++ leglBegin() and leglEnd() functions to Blitz when I realized that Blitz doesn't have a "GetCameraRange" function. Has anybody been able to get Blitz's Max2d module to work? Any suggestions?! Thanks!
  11. BLaBZ

    Start of flowgraph dev

    This looks cool! I had an idea that was similar to this, What's the difference between an Action and an Event? Is an action a function pointer of some sort?
  12. BLaBZ

    Coding: DRY

    I have a bunch of books on coding that I like to approach slowly. Everyday I read a section or two from a book and let the idea's resonate so I can really understand them and see where they're applicable in my own work. The latest book I'm reading is "The Pragmatic Programmer" by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas. It's a book full of concepts and ideas to make you a better programmer. One of the things they discuss is a principle called "Don't Repeat Yourself" or DRY. When I initially read this chapter I thought "Hey! Of course! That makes sense, I'm sure this concept will be quite applicable." What I didn't realize was that as I continued to code, more and more of that code could be reused if I made it possible to change just a couple variables. So to make that code reusable, I simply put it in a function/method in the parent class. It sounds simple right?! Maybe for the more experienced programmer. I've found noticing you're repeating yourself isn't always evident because you may not be repeating yourself EXACTLY. It seems like the better I get at coding the funner it is. I love finding new ways to make programming complex tasks simple.
  13. BLaBZ

    Coding:The Ultimate Goal

    Wow, that's awesome Rick thanks a lot!! I'd imagine using a Event system like that would make multi threading a bit easier, do you code for a living?
  14. Sweet deal! Are those college courses you're taking? What's cool about learning those concepts in Java is that they also apply to c# and just about any language, just a difference in syntax, I've found when it comes to AI that just following a pragmatic approach can really simplify things esp w/finite state machines
  15. BLaBZ

    An almost Silly Blog Post

    That's awesome to hear! I found that once you understand one language(if it a decently capable one) picking up another language is pretty easy! Typically the only difference is syntax and a few capability differences hear and there. I read a quote that said "Don't program in a language program into a language" which basically translates to "Don't make the language your limitation, code it how you would think it." So if there's something I want to do, and I'm not aware of how a language would do it, I post on a forum, and it seems like whoever designed the language thankfully thought of it before me The code is now bending to my desires as oppose to me bending to the codes limitations
  16. For every project, a coder is ultimately caught between 2 opposing ends of the spectrum. The first end is the goal, the purpose for developing the software. The other end is how the machine implements the code. I'm realizing that through development, we're trying to produce code with a balance between efficient implementation, readability, and of course the ability to accomplish the task it was designed to do. You could say the most efficient implementations would always be written in some sort Assembly language, though this doesn't necessarily promote readability, and in todays fast paced world isn't always ideal. Good OOP techniques can improve readability though hinder performance. As a programmer, one of my inspirations for coding is the challenge to produce "perfect" code, clean, readable, and executes seamlessly. I've noticed as my projects have become bigger this has become more of a design challenge then anything. I've had to think long and hard as to how to make a larger project truly modular and completely decoupled. I'm definitely no pro yet, but I've learned a lot in the last week. I've known about casting, pointers, inheritance, and polymorphism for the longest time though this week things definitely "clicked" into place as to how these things fit into the design picture. Because of this, coding has taken on a new life
  17. Should this work on linux and macs?
  18. So I'm the guy who writes 7k lines of code only to find out that "I'm doing it wrong." If you haven't been there then you probably haven't learned much. This is going to make me sound like a complete idiot, but damn! I really feel like one. After coding as a hobby for 3 years I'm finding out now I never really knew how OOP worked and how fantastically useful inheritance and polymorphism really is. It seems like everyday I'm learning something new about programming, languages have so much flexibility it's really just a matter of being aware of what it's capable of. I love programming and I'd really like to do it professionally some day, but it seems like I'm constantly learning new things that are essential to programming. How do you know when you've "conquered" a language and are ready to use it "professionally?"
  19. Is that an IP plugin or a custom extension?
  20. BLaBZ

    Fit Mesh?

    Is there any way too FitMesh within a specified bounding box?
  21. Is that done using the Import and Extern commands? Or is it a little more complicated then that?
  22. Does SDL_net work with BlitzMax?
  23. Oh that was a joke, I use math libraries instead You can definitely learn stuff from smaller projects that can help you in larger ones, though the design and construction is going to be drastically different, in that case, what you learned about design for your smaller projects aren't going to help you out as much in the larger projects, Steve McConnel describes it as comparing houses to skyscrapers,
  24. I learned calculus in first grade
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