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Everything posted by BLaBZ

  1. Fantastic concept behind LE3, Last I heard the gaming industry was worth $22 bil, that's a lot of people getting hooked on video games and with that it's easy to get inspired and want to create your own. The challenge is that making video games has always required a decently steep learning curve; When kids want to start making a video game they want to start now, they don't want to learn to start, so to lower the educational curve higher the "level" ie: use Leadwerks instead of pure OpenGL. Leadwerks 3 is taking it to the "next level" by providing more simplification to accomplish typically complex tasks. Widening the current target market through cross-platform compatibility and a lowered learning curve. It makes me excited to observe the kind of progress Josh and leadwerks are making
  2. Dude, here's your gold star* here's respect because you deserve it. And thank you for being "the one" to show us what hard work truly is, without you I would be nothing. And you're right! All we talk about is how does Kevin Tillman manage his projects and set realistic goals! In fact! I suggested josh remove all other forum topics since we don't use them anyway. Sincerely Your loyal pawn BLaBZ
  3. Seriously, I've been "ATTEMPTING" to write a Real Time Strategy Game/Engine for the last 3 years no joke. This is also when I learned to code with Blitz3D, I got a basic understanding of the language and felt that I knew it pretty well, turned out a bigger and more important part was understanding program design, needless to say, 3 years and 7 revisions later I finally got it But it sucks writing 10K lines of code only to find out you made a huge major mistake in the design and you'd be better of scraping it and starting over, which if you attempt to make a game you don't have the skills to make is bound to happen... Being inspired to make games gets you into coding, if the coding itself isn't enough to get you to keep at it then you're in the wrong field
  4. BLaBZ

    Kabul Street

    Wow, that is incredible, Would you have any advice or know any tutorials that could help me improve my texturing?
  5. Is there any limit to the number of lines/ints/variables you can write to a single packet?
  6. Great! and is the netwerk mod platform dependent? Or could I create a linux host?
  7. LoL would you say any language satisfies you? aside from english?
  8. BLaBZ


    Still a bit new to the LE so just asking some questions, is it possible to use BMax's drawing commands? and use Blend Modes such as ALPHABLEND?!
  9. Probably a stupid question, I'm a bit of a newb(post 3 hurray!) How well does the leadwerks networking module work? Would you say well enough for an rts with hundreds of units(and no client side predicting) thx
  10. Any such thing? Is it even possible?!
  11. I've been writing my game with Max and miniB3d, was wondering how difficult it would be to switch engines? I've noticed there are similarities in the functions, has anyone tried this?
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