To write a good looking playable game you need the Recommended Requirements, and hope they do the trick...
To explain myself a bit better: On lower specs I want my game to look like source (old version, be4 L4D) mods, with same framerates. How higher the specs, how better I want the game to look without loosing some framerate.
This is used in professional engines like GameBryo, ...
At this moment on mu NVidia 7950 GTX, and intel centrino duo the editor is slow as hell, taking 1 minute to change scene (even if I lower render options), so how do you want me to write some game code without that be speeded up? If I update 20 charactercontrollers (AI) I get 1 FPS, or 2 on a good day...
Not talking about deployment! You can't deploy this to lower end specs, different systems have different artefacts, ...
So for me it's quite simpel: fix bugs and optimize.