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  1. I have a windwow with a semi transparent texture for the glass. This is the material i use for the glass, texture0="abstract::GlassBlueMedium.dds" blend=alpha shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse.frag" I can see trough the glass but everything behind the glass is clipped. How can i fix this?
  2. This is the result, wip. But have another problem with the text when i draw it to a texture.
  3. Got it to work I created a buffer and linked a texture to it using SetColorBuffer, like ParaToxic said.
  4. What i want to do is create an image from scratch and draw on it. I also want to redraw the image when needed. Pseudo code: CreateImage() SetBuffer(Image) DrawRect() SetBuffer(BackBuffer) DrawImage() How do i do this in LE, any examples floating around?
  5. I get an error when i try to set the buffer saying that its not a TBuffer.
  6. How do i draw to a texture? This is what i'm trying to do, window.Image is TTexture window.Image = CreateTexture(window.Width,window.Height) SetBuffer(window.Image) Then i want to draw a rect to it.
  7. I should have given more details about what i mean. Do you see the dark shadow lines on the terrain, they should not be there. I found the problem, when i zoom in on a heightmap i can see the lines that causes this. So i need to edit mi heightmaps to fix this.
  8. Im getting unexpected results with mi heightmaps. I feed them to the engine as a 512 bitmap for a terrain of 1024x2m per tile in size. I have 64 of those heightmaps making up a worldmap, it would be a real pain editing them all.
  9. Merry Christmas! Korean eh? Fine, then here's Dutch: Prettigge Kerst!
  10. More then i wished for, now i have the framework, lua and a sky , thx.
  11. I managed to load a scene with textures and vegetation but no sky. How do i load things i added in the editor, like atmosphere?
  12. I have the full version but was using 1.42 I backed up the mods folder just in case. Uninstalled the old version and deleted the BMax folder to get rid of the old mods. Installed latest BMax version, LE mods and lib. Rebuilt the mods and ran the example. Everything seems to work now, thx allot for your help!
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