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Everything posted by DaDonik
Release in summer!?!? Looks like i will have no time to get outside this summer ^^
Assuming you have a big texture which shows your map from above you could go ahead and paint that texture onto a plane. You can move the texture around on the plane without any shader knowledge. All you have to do is to change the UV coordinates of your plane's verticies via code. SetVertexTexCoords() is what you need for that. Changing the texture coordinates like this has a pretty big performance impact, so it should not be used all over the place, but i think for a minimap this is a good solution. You can rotate the plane to adjust the map to the players view direction. To get rid of the uglyness of a plane you can draw a nice round UI element over it, so that no one sees the edges and corners of the plane =)
Sounds like you have written something strange. I have never seen Josh getting rude
I like the idea, +1 from me.
My guess performance wise would be to generate a bigger portion of a vine as a single mesh. You can easily create an empty mesh with LE and then add surfaces to it, as your vine grows. That way a generated vine would be just one entity which will make it much faster to render. I can't comment on the OpenGL 3D line, as i never used OpenGL 3D commands directly.
I wrote my own framework and i managed to pause the physics without any memory leak or other problems. UpdateAppTime(); if (m_bIsPaused == true) { // Update each world with a stepsize of 0 -> paused mode LE2LayerPtrMapIt it = m_mapLayers.begin(); for (; it != m_mapLayers.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).second != NULL) { (*it).second->SetThisWorld(); UpdateWorld(0); } } } else { // Update each world with a stepsize of AppSpeed -> running LE2LayerPtrMapIt it = m_mapLayers.begin(); for (; it != m_mapLayers.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).second != NULL) { (*it).second->SetThisWorld(); UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()); } } } The "problem" here is that the game is still running and callbacks are still called. So it really just pauses the physics.
I must agree with Scott, they look a little washed out. Can you show some "ingame" screenshots? Would be nice to see how it looks rendered with LE. I do not need textures myself, bought Genetica for that job =)
I sometimes wonder why there is a specification if no one sticks to it. Like the intel "graphics cards"...*sigh*
When using the curve function i do: fMove = Curve ((float)(KeyDown (KEY_W) - KeyDown (KEY_S)), fMove, 5.0f / AppSpeed()); For movements i do: float fMove = fMove * ((1.0f / 1000.0f) * AppSpeed()); After that fMove is measured in meter/second. To make it easier for me i made myself a macro: #define M_S (0.016666f * AppSpeed())
Ok, so Ken already said most of what i could say, but i can add at least one more thing. Since the shader is highly dependent on the depth buffer, you can increase the near camera range to get a better effect. I really only tested the shader in indoor environments, because it's in the nature of the depth buffer, that it looses detail with distance. So pretty much all you can do is adjust the near camera range in order to get a better effect or try tuning the values like Ken said. Edit: Decreasing the far camera range also has an effect on the shader. I recommend playing around with it =)
If you really want to know how your game will behave on a slower PC, it's not enough to slow down you CPU. You should also remove your GPU and put in a really bad one. AppSpeed returns 1.0 if your game runs at 60fps, 2.0 at 30fps and 0.5 at 120 fps. I tested this on 3 different PC's by just increasing/decreasing the amount of cubes i render. It was not a precise measurement, but at around 30fps AppSpeed returns ~2.0. I could be wrong, but i think that AppTime() just returns the system time (time in milliseconds since startup).
I think macklebee means: EntityShadowRange and EntityShadowMode So yeah, it's already possible in LE2. To me it seems like you just request random things for L3D. Things which are already possible in LE2 or things that would make L3D into a GameCreator instead of a good GameEngine.
Normally i have my mouse set to extremely sensitive, but it's very slow in your game. Nothing serious though, just make an option for that later. I can't help it, but it looks funny when you strafe and walk at the same time. Apart from that i like it
An instanced model is only represented once in memory. Every other instance of the model just has some sort of pointer to that models data. The noninstanced model has the whole data for each instance and requires more memory as well as more GPU power. You're right Roland, by default LE uses instancing for every model. Maybe Clackdor has a wide variety of different models, i dunno.
Well a TTexture simply is not a TBuffer. what about: DrawImage
Cool. Looks pretty natural. Now things like, crouching, jumping, running, idling, sneaking, dying,... i could go on
I don't exactly know what these batches are, but from what i read it's good to have as few of them as possible. For example different instances of the same model can be drawn in one batch, therefore it's much faster then using noninstances models. For the world render time i think you are right, it's most likely just the time it needs to render everything that was created in this world. The octree is used for occlusion culling AFAIK. So it's just the time the engines needs to update the octree to represent your scene with the current camera and entities positions.
Nice work Josh! Please also add _diff and _norm (as Paul suggested), because i use them throughout my projects.
I really need to get my hands on L3D Great progress so far!
Try setting the framework effects after you rendered once. I think i had some problem with that, too. Like: m_pEngine = new LEO::Engine("Montana",ScreenWidth , ScreenHeight); m_pFrameWork = new LEO::Framework(); BP L = GetLuaState(); SetGlobalObject( "fw",(TEntity)m_pFrameWork); BP lua = GetLuaState(); lua_pushobject( lua, (TEntity)m_pFrameWork); lua_setglobal( lua, "fw" ); lua_pop( lua, 1 ); m_scene = LE::LoadScene(FileName.c_str()); while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { if (KeyHit(KEY_G)) { SetHDR(1); SetSSAO(1); SetBloom(1); SetAntialias(1); SetShadowQuality(1); SetTextureQuality(1); OcclusionCulling(1); } m_pFrameWork->Update(); m_pFrameWork->Render(); <-- crash when calling Render Flip(0); }
Looking good! In case you want some critisism, the dragons skin could use some normalmapping. It looks very flat for dragon scales.
I'm not sure if changing the materials will be possible in Leadwerks3D, because it is not yet released. In Leadwerks Engine 2 there is no way to change the material for a specific instance of a model. You pretty much have to copy the .gmf file and rename it. That way it is the same model but you can use a different material for it.
I think Clackdor pretty much summed it up. I'm a one man show myself (regarding the coding part) and the main things that stop me from releasing any code are: 1) Much of the code is interweaved to some point and it's not possible to give away just a part of it. 2) I really have no time to give much support for the ppl that would use my code My personal opinion is, that LUA model scripts are pretty much the only thing we could really share with each other. But then again someone might have set additional global objects (SetGlobalObject()) which not everyone has. That leads to problems, especially for new users or programming newbies. Someone should maintain some kind of game frame, where everybody can add classes, scripts, ect. that would then get tested by that person and included to the game frame. That would be sort of a fulltime job...
Josh i really love all your work, but that idea is totally crazy. Just keep it as it is, because it's fine that way. Some people will always post in the wrong forums, but normally there are moderators to move these posts to the proper location.