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  1. hey, I was trying to "translate" the introduction to animation tutorial from c++ to bmax, everything is ok but when I get to animate the mesh automatically, I do it correctly (or that's I think) but does not animate, just stands stopped. here's the code Framework leadwerks.engine Graphics 1280,1024 RegisterAbstractPath AppDir If Not CreateWorld() RuntimeError "Hubo un fallo al lanzar la aplicacion" cam:TCamera=CreateCamera() CameraClearColor cam,Vec4(0,0,1,1) MoveEntity cam,Vec3(0,0.85,-2) buffer:TBuffer=CreateBuffer(1280,1024,BUFFER_COLOR0|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL) light:TLight=CreateSpotLight() RotateEntity light,Vec3(20,45,0) EntityColor light,Vec4(2,2,2,1) MoveEntity light,Vec3(0,0,-5) SetShadowMapSize light,1024 AmbientLight Vec3(0.1) mesh:TMesh=LoadMesh("crawler.gmf") While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Animate(mesh,AppTime()/100.0,1.0,0,True) UpdateWorld SetBuffer(buffer) RenderWorld SetBuffer BackBuffer() RenderLights(buffer) Flip() Wend What am i doing wrong ? sorry if the question is rather stupid but im just starting with bmax thanks ^^
  2. thank you all, all doubts cleared
  3. thanks for the reply so fast !
  4. hi friends, tomorrow I will buy LE but I have a few questions, 1st in private forums there is enough support to develop your skills to the fullest?, Or at least know how to use the engine with good skill (I'm not talking about learning to program c + + from 0). 2nd do you have to buy the SDK and then upgrade to 2.3? or update is included in the SDK? 3rd LeadWerks could be used to develop a large-scale game? I've used other game engines and do not like them, right now I think that leadwerks is one of the best available game engines, and I think it is among the 10 best, game engines. what do you think? thanks, just had some doubts greetings
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