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  1. Thanks for all the replies everyone I have downloaded Irrlicht and I am checking it all out. Seems very promising for the low end stuff I am doing, however there seems to be a lack of sound effects without getting an irrKlang pro license (about 92USD). This would not be too much of a drama unless I wanted to set up a company. I do have some ideas for games that would benefit from LE so I may still buy it as well. This would also mean that I could possibly use the audio engine included in the LE Some more questions (sorry): Those who have the 3DWS, is it worth getting in terms of streamlining creation of worlds in LE? May be a silly question, but I think it would be sillier not to ask What effect would using the LE audio engine have on low end machines? I would imagine that this answer would be "not a great deal since it doesn't use the graphics pipeline" (or does it?)
  2. Hi Everyone. I have been browsing the public forums for a while now and you all seem like honest folk I am planning to move on from the 2D Flash development into the 3D world. I'd like the low down comparison on Leadwerks and the free version of Unity (the 2 engines I am looking at). I am looking at developing in a niche market and it is possible that this market may mostly use low end machines. Having tried the demo part of the evaluation copy of Leadwerks on my wifes laptop (Intel mobile graphics adaptor) and having it fail, makes me considder using Unity, but the Leadwerks engine seems to allow you more freedom in coding. Any input on this subject would be most welcome and if I have missed another good engine in the same price range of Leadwerks, a mention would be good too, but be aware that $1000 engines are out of my price range right now. Thanks in advance. P.S. I'll be offline for a couple of days but I'll be back to check on this thread soonish. P.P.S I am good with C++ and JavaScript so these should not be an issue.
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