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Everything posted by omid3098

  1. Death Statue is an action-advanture first person shooter Indie game for PC with high quality graphics and diverse levels of game play. https://www.indiedb.com/games/death-statue
  2. Thanks. I hope that is easy enough to be implemented into the engine itself.
  3. Is morphing supported in Leadwerks 3? if not, is this on the LE3 roadplan?
  4. now it works using this code: require("Scripts/class") require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") require("Scripts/hooks") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:Update() if KeyDown(KEY_UP)==1 then CameraZoom(fw.main.camera,0.5) end if KeyDown(KEY_DOWN)==1 then CameraZoom(fw.main.camera,1.0) end end function object:Free() self.super:Free() end end
  5. Programmer is doing bugfix since more than 2 months and I don't have permission to access him. this is my CameraManager.lua: require("Scripts/class") require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") require("Scripts/hooks") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) --object.cameraFOV = CameraZoom(camera,1.0) SetFarDOFRange(2,5) SetFarDOFStrength(1) SetFarDOF(1) function object:DHook() -- Test if keys are working if KeyDown(KEY_U)==1 then SetFarDOF(1) end if KeyDown(KEY_Y)==1 then SetFarDOF(0) end end AddHook("Flip" , object.DHook ) function object:Free() RemoveHook("Flip" , object.DHook ) self.super:Free() end end I can enable/Disable DOF with keys but I have no Ideas how to access camera FOV.
  6. it says value at index (1) is not an object
  7. Ok. I'm a dump. would you please describe more? CameraZoom is only for C and C++ and there is nothing for LUA. I just have to open Editor and edit some LUA codes to play with camera and do some trailer. Edit: this code gives "Malformed number near 0.5f" error. CameraZoom(camera, 0.5f)
  8. Hi. I am trying to control camera FOV using two keys in Lua (to increase and decrese) but I cant access to main Camera FOV. I have a CameraManager node in the scene and the code is something like this: require("Scripts/class") require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") require("Scripts/hooks") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) function object:DHook() if KeyDown(KEY_U)==1 then CameraZoom(45.0) -- or what? how should I use CameraZoom? end end AddHook("Flip" , object.DHook ) function object:Free() RemoveHook("Flip" , object.DHook ) self.super:Free() end end there were CameraZoom(cam,value) in the forum but I dont know what is cam or how I can create that to use Camera zoom. actually tried cam=fw.main.camera but that is for framework I think. I did not write other parts of this code and also I don't have access to our programmer. and I'm not dump thanks before
  9. It would be much better if leadwerks implement this skinning method beside previous linear skinning. http://isg.cs.tcd.ie/projects/DualQuaternions/
  10. It is a keyframe motion. and there is no need to code for animating them. cuz I check animation in model viewer. (however I used LoadAnimation to check results in editor but there is no different) when both blades are in the same view, one of them will rotate around another and if there were one blade in viewport it will rotate correctly. so I thought the problem should be in shader/material. The only change I've made is that I removed zsort form materials. and this is why I'm curious about this.
  11. wiki says: I can't understand what this means. what are z-sorted objects? the reason I ask is that when I have two animated elements into a single model (key-frame animation), always one of them will animate around another one. in this picture: the front blade should rotate along it's green axis. and the back blade should rotate along its red axis. but when we animate them, the front blade rotates around the back one: we used separate materials for each one. we even used separate textures(may look silly! but we did it), tried to export separate meshes and then animate them using LUA. we also checked .vert and .frag shaders (we have separate .vert and .frag for each material) but nothing changed. after we tried almost everything we understood that the problem is because of z-sort=1 in their materials. and by removing zsort=1 from materials, the problem solved. so. what exactly z-sort does. (please explain in an example)
  12. omid3098

    Tehran Game Expo 2012

    Thanks guys. @roland: thank you for the report. how ever I have no Ideas about that, the website is empty now there is just an animated picture. maybe that animated picture is a flash file and the thread is because of that. I tell my friends to check it.
  13. omid3098

    Tehran Game Expo 2012

    Yes Roland. probably there is a problem with external blog update in werkspace. please check the source for the video (if you didn't checked yet).
  14. after it makes billboards, you can adjust the color/brightness in photoshop or whatever(as we did this before!) billbord usually does not make images same as your model.
  15. Done this in almost 4-5 hours (yes, too slow). The most important reason I paint is that sometimes I just want to finish a job to make myself satisfy. to tell that I can make a complete job (fake self confidence but still helpful). and also when I'm full of something, the things I think about during the painting are really joy/helpful. I'm inspired by the brain and it's abilities. which makes me think that the brain may be everything. and off course there is a link between this post and the brain. (I don't want you to think I wanted to tell something philosophical(brain related) by erasing the face. she doesn't have the face because I can't paint a good face) I want to break the rules and to paint is a way to know the rules. that's all.
  16. If you are a 3ds max user, you can use LME
  17. I use lightmaps too. but can not bake shadows with lightmap because we have daytime change in our level. (one level is day and another level is night with same models)
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