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Everything posted by omid3098

  1. I think it should be in LE3 as Josh wants to implement his own collision format..
  2. well we have some cars here and the primary material for their body is Diffuse+Normal+Specular+ some Gloss changes.. however it's not look like carpaint shader, but we are ok with that as we can't do anything else! our biggest problem is glasses. as far as I tested about this, we have 2 kind of transparency into engine. one of them uses only 0-1 in alpha channel of diffuse textures (mesh_diffuse_blabla_alphatest)in this case there is no problems during rendering or casting shadows or anything else.. but as this type is only for 0-1, so it should not use for glass like materials. another kind of transparency is to use blend=alpha without using mesh_diffuse_blabla_alphatest in shader. but this kind of transparency sucks when you want to use is as something like glass. it won't render terrain, some of models, shadows... (or maybe I can not use it correct) this: texture0="abstract::glasstest.dds" clamp0=0,0,0 texture1="abstract::glasstest_nrm.dds" clamp1=0,0,0 blend=alpha depthmask=1 depthtest=1 overlay=0 zsort=0 cullface=0 castshadows=1 specular=2.50000000 bumpscale=0.300000012 gloss=0.250000000 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular_alphatest.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert","abstract::mesh_shadow.frag" looks like this (only 0,1): and this: texture0="abstract::glasstest.dds" clamp0=0,0,0 texture1="abstract::glasstest_nrm.dds" clamp1=0,0,0 blend=1 depthmask=1 depthtest=1 overlay=0 zsort=0 cullface=0 castshadows=1 specular=2.50000000 bumpscale=0.300000012 gloss=0.250000000 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular_alphatest.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert","abstract::mesh_shadow.frag" looks like this: (but WHY?? ) This is my diffuse texture and This is my normal texture and I can not use these for glasslike models. but as I can see emitters are using transparent dust, I'm looking for something like that in normal shaders to use them as car glass shader which needs cullface for car inside too.. and alphatest results on car, looks like this: and I'm too tired to make blend=alpha again! but it was worse than it's 2d plane! finally any kind of tips or suggestions to improve car shaders would be helpfull here.
  3. omid3098

    Hara forests

    OH Michael! its a photo! I pulished that post into our company blog and that blog is tracked to Soamp`s blog.. trust me! that`s a photo I'm not pro enough to make such a real scene yet!
  4. really bad news pixel.. I wish the best for you and your project. you are the most perfect pixel I've ever seen! [sad..] I think leadwerks needs more and more and even more staffs for engine development and support.. I really don't want to discuss each 5-6 months with my team members about same topic.. Josh, I know that you are trying very hard. but believe me, you are not enough.
  5. omid3098

    Hara forests

    it's a photo.. on of the biggest problems is Leadwerks antialias filter..
  6. omid3098

    Zero Hour

    and my request sent too
  7. So here is the point for now: (as it seems the problem is in 2.31 and I can't go to 2.32x) if something is unusually specular in your scene, reduce directional light's intensity!
  8. thank you I think I could fill that problem by reducing light intensity to 0.8 :/
  9. your outdoors are amazing me.. fantastic! AAA quality! and about indoors, I think they are AA can I ask you what version of LE are you using? or according to your good looking roads, can I ask you why my roads wont shut their specular off!! PS. thanks about blending shader. I should spend some hours to play with it tomorrow!
  10. but Dave is using his own road textures without any problems (I'm checking his blog right now).. I can't find out what is wrong with my texture or maybe he is using different version of LE? (I'm in 2.31)
  11. yes I did.. I'm going to think about this as an engine bug..
  12. I think my roads are always specular.. (I can't trust my eyes after 11 hours of modeling and texturing!) almost checked any way I could imagine.. with pure black alpha channel in normal texture, with pure white alpha channel in normal texture, using only diffuse shader, or even reducing shininess of terrain texture! so what do you think? mesh_diffuse: mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular: all damn results are exactly like these damn shots! is there anyone with same problem? PS. I need this emergency, so if you know "anything" related, please let me know..
  13. omid3098


    great Job Ubu.. whole scene looks awesome and character motions seems to need little more work..
  14. it seem the only problem is for that file.. I can download other files
  15. As described in topic, I want to select elements(or hierarchies)in model viewer, and I want model viewer to select equivalent element in it's hierarchy list. if you need reasons for this, I can easily list some of them..
  16. omid3098


    It should be VERY usefull.. thanks dude
  17. only diffuse texture changed in second image.. actually I didn't even checked whether normal texture has alpha channel! however I don't think this change results. because all billboards were the same color. and normally they were not in correct direction to reflect sunlight.. I have plan to paint some back paints on them these days. then I will play with specular channel too. thanks for the point.. Edit: I didn't checked for other lighting environments. but I will..
  18. download and installation completed. stopped 3 times during download, but I don't know if problem was about my connection or not.
  19. still after 54% no problem here..
  20. welcome SmokingCloud happy leadwerking!
  21. finally it's up! FSR Game Development Blog
  22. new editor removes my phy files and replace them with convex hull.. should I redo all of my phy files AGAIN??
  23. I can change "vegetation_billboard" image myself and results looks little better..
  24. sorry for my question, but did you tried to press "rebuild roads" button?
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