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  1. Ok there is a bit of a mix up with my fps figures i gave in my original post above. I was trying many things at the time. With all fx enabled and vsync off, the fps inside the tunnels is anything between 55 and 65 fps even when approaching lights. With vsync on, the fps drops from 60 to 30, approaching a light. I am sure it was not doing this last week otherwise i would have noticed it. Could this be an nvidia setting?
  2. I have a question about fps and what to expect from the engine. Currently i am getting used to Bmax and Lua. I am using the tunnel sbx in bmax and just playing with the framework fx to see what the fps is like at various resolutions. I have a 6 core AMD@3.3ghz and a GTX560 non ti 2GB. When i run the application@1920x1080 fullscreen it manages around 65fps inside the tunnels and around 120fps outside looking down on to the tunnels. When inside the tunnels, if i approach one of the lights, the fps drops to 35fps ... is this right? It seems a bit low but then, i don't know what to expect. The dip in FPS is not as drastic when i turn off ssao. How can a single light affect fps so much when i can zoom out of the map and see 5+ lights at a much higher fps. Also, why is the fps lower inside the tunnel when only part of it is being rendered compared to being outside it when much more is being rendered. Sorry if i am asking too many questions, just want to know how it ticks.
  3. Your other programs are located at different sectors on your hard disk and probably use different memory addresses. It may not be hardware as you say, but checking it would at least get you closer to the problem. I own a repair center and have seen this happen many times. Even dodgy memory timings can cause this sort of thing. You have already established that it is not the GPU drivers. Anyway, hope you get it sorted. I know how frustrating it can be. Regards Andy
  4. Could be a hardware problem. It wouldn't hurt to download Hirens boot CD and do a memcheck+, while your at it, run HDAT on the same disk and verify that you have no bad sectors on your hard disk. HDAT can also repair bad sectors reclaiming the data.
  5. I bought RocksHD from Pure3D to use in my scenes. When i add rocks in the editor, the properties dialogue box for the rocks is empty. All i see is a white box with apply and close button. Any ideas?
  6. Ok, i just realized that the scripts in the games folder are used in the editor.
  7. I just realized that if i start the command with a capital letter, it works. I actually have to punctuate each command? The other errors still exist.
  8. After an uphill battle with LE and Purebasic, i decided it was time to jump into a new language. Lua seems pretty easy but i am having the most basic problems. RegisterAbstractPath is not recognised as a command. The scripts in the games folder do not run and give the error "attempt to index global 'fw'" or "access violation". Am i missing something here?
  9. Thanks, that worked. I thought the "LERegisterAbstractPath" would have taken that in to account.
  10. here is my engine.log http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7526263/Stuff/Engine.log i am using Purebasic to load a scene. I get this popup error. If i click on ok, it loads the scene but the lua stuff is not working. I do not get any errors in PB. Can anyone help?
  11. The "netwerks.dll" can be found in the LE SDK folder along with the other dll's
  12. Try this, I found it on the forum and tested your code. http://dl.dropbox.co...ff/Leadwerks.pb You must have the engine.dll, engine_debug.dll, netwek.dll and the newton.dll in the same place as your pb source code file before running. I can load a scene but i get lua script errors.
  13. Can you send me your purebasic include file?
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