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  1. No Its an auto tracker that keeps the camera on a specific point when activated based on the contrast from the background
  2. I'm trying to create a contour lock algorithm. for that i need to get the pixels value around my aiming point. Is there a simple way to get that?
  3. I'm running the post- processing effects examples and not getting the expected results. instead I'm getting some kind of a front screen with a texture on it . does this happens due to any GPU settings or are there differences with lua from the C++ exp?
  4. found the answer! the command needed is: joystick.GamepadStickLength It give the input size from 0 to 1 regardless of the stick direction
  5. HI diedir What i mean with input size is the amount of deviation from the center. I hope i could enter some more functions but i don't know how.
  6. I'm working with the joystick demo for the Xbox 360 and it seems like all the stick commands are about angles: joystick.GamepadStickXY- gives a value from -32767 to + 32767 when down/up is 0 joystick.GamepadStickNormXY- same as the above but with values from -1 to 1 joystick.GamepadStickAngle - same thing from -pi to +pi joystick.GamepadStickDir - just up/down/left/right there is nothing about the stick input size? that way when your insert a precise down/up input you get no movement. something is missing.
  7. Sorry ' i'm not familiar with that. Is there any reference on how to do it?
  8. Is it possible to create and observe more than one camera at the same time? or can you have more than one framework at the same time?
  9. Is it just me or is the rotation sign of the camera are opposite to the physical conventions. When the camera is rotated to the right/up the camrotation.y/x value is decreasing instead of increasing. another thing: Why is the camrotation value not in a cycle (its incrementing consistently) and its signed instead of absolute. Morad
  10. I'm using the demo for now and don't have the permission to download. Can i still get the main idea?
  11. Sorry Pressed twice Morad
  12. HI Is there any reference on how to use joystick axis and buttons with lua scripting? couldn't find any on the wiki. Thanks Morad
  13. When i don't create the terrain i don't know the terrain Entity name so i can't use it. When i use "terrain" i get an "Exception access violation" message. Do i need to create a world first or anything else is wrong? I tried to transform to global coordinates. the different i got was twice the distance to each axis. Still didn't get the right height. ???
  14. --loading the terrain and scene terrain=CreateTerrain(2048) LoadTerrainHeightmap(terrain,"abstract::deserthighway_height.RAW") world=LoadScene("abstract::deserthighway.sbx") world:SetCollisionType(2) (i have a body attached to the camera) -- calculating the height of the camera above the ground ALT=math.floor((body.position.y-TerrainElevation(terrain,body.position.x,body.position.z))/0.3048)
  15. Hi I'm just started scripting with lua with the demo version, using the great tutorials on youtube. I'm have a problem with the terrain elevation\height: when i load the terrain height map its doesn't fit to the visible scene texture. Any ideas? Thanks Morad
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