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Posts posted by tjheldna

  1. Just noticed something else.... If you have generated a convex hull and you decide to select 'Polymesh' (which I have done to get around the scaling issue) both the polymesh and the convex hull are visible when you have 'Show Physics' enabled. It's easy to notice this as the polymesh is scaled properly and the convex hull is not.

  2. If the entities in your scene list longer than the view and you want to parent an object which inst on screen, you need to parent it to an object higher on the list.. scroll up parent to another object... scroll up, etc etc until the entity your after is listed on screen. This current method is real clunky, the bigger the scene the more frustrating it becomes.


    With an entity selected would expect that when your mouse hovers over the top and bottom regions of the list there would be some automatic scrolling of the scene browser.



    • Upvote 2
  3. It's reasonably easy to get into max, with a little editing, sorry don't use blender at all so I can't comment on that.


    In max you can fix the root node on any axis so you can keep a rig centered, maybe there is a comparable feature in Blender? Like I said you still need to edit the **** out of it, but you end up with a much nicer animation.


    What??? I cant say c r a p?

  4. Pretty sure its a bug. It appears when using Pick in the context below specifying a type. I want to just Pick "Prop" types.


    local pickInfo = PickInfo()
    self.mouseCursor = self.mousePointer
    if self.camera:Pick(mpos.x, mpos.y, pickInfo, .1, true, Collision.Prop) == true then
    if pickInfo.entity ~= nil then
    if pickInfo.entity.script ~= nil then
    local name = pickInfo.entity:GetKeyValue("name")


    I've tested with Collision.Prop and Collision.Character and the pick returns true when hit an entity set to "Scene" which I'm sure isn't right. The only time it appears not to pick the entity is if I set the entities collision type to "None".



  5. Hi Gamecreator,


    if you create a text file and list your animations like this:



    Run,101, 120


    You can import that file into the model editor and recreates the anims for you.

  6. I think I was using the latest, but I cant be sure It was downloaded via steam and I did do an update when ssdo was released. I think ssdo it was the last one added in the stack, but I did try adjusting the order. The screenshot I did only had ssdo applied also.



  7. Hi Shadmar,


    Just thought I'd post about the ssdo shader and thanks for doing it btw. Mostly the shader is working however I'm getting this weird glow effect around some objects, but not all. The character gets it mainly. I removed all other shaders from the scene and only the ssdo one is left in the screenshot.


    Here is what I'm seeing any ideas about what's going on?




    Many Thanks!

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