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Posts posted by tjheldna

  1. When you right click the Viewport->Render Mode it would be cool if there was a Textured + Lighting + Post Process. So Textured + Lighting won't show any post process effects in the viewport.


    This would be so I could have all my post process shaders set in the root entity and be able to turn the post process off while editing the level without effecting runtime.



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  2. The house stuff you guys were doing was ridiculously inefficient, from what I saw...you had hundreds or thousands of entities making up each little patch of floor. You practically had a separate entity for each individual polygon.


    I totally agree, like I said the ways of the past have been rectified and each house now is split into 3 entities only now: external walls, internal walls and roof and only have the internal walls + props appearing on a house when the player is within a certain distance from it.


    I literally tried every possible way of creating the house models to find out what was the most effective way of doing it and what we can get away with for the size of our project so we are not coming to grief when we are too committed and it's too late.


    I get this probably wont happen, but it's the suggestion box so what the hell.

  3. Some sort of zoning and portal system to occlude unnecessary entities is well needed in this engine, something like in C4 and I think Unreal use it to for memory.


    I've created an almost identical scene in the C4 engine which makes very good use of these techniques and I can fit a comfortable 250 (300 but frame rate suffers) house models on screen at once. Even still if house models start to be occluded by zones etc frame rate is fine. I still have the option for LOD and did no texture compression.


    The same house model and interior in C4 I only get 80 - 90 house models on screen at once, which then crashes Leadwerks. I know we experimented with some dodgy house setups in the past as seen in some other threads, but this has been rectified now.


    I'm just thinking ahead and all about performance to handle the load as our scene gets bigger. I just don't think onscreen occlusion (whatever it's called) and distance culling is enough. I want to see optimisations that make this engine purr.


    Don't take this the wrong way as I know mentioning other engines is never popular, but I felt this needed to be said as it's a close to straight comparison as I can get and the vast difference been playing on my mind ever since.



    • Upvote 5
  4. In all my projects tested memory was increasing (viewed in the resource manager under working set) until finally you get a lua our of memory error and the game crashes (takes ages). This was common between all my projects C++.


    Created a fresh project and the 'working set' field stays static, changed that default cube to be a character controller and memory starts going up and continues to in the 'working set' field.



  5. I'm using a single character controller with nothing else on screen except terrain.


    At character resting i'm getting around 210fps. As soon as the character moves through the navmesh I'm going down to 160fps. As soon as I stop the character it goes back up to around 210fps.


    Is anyone else seeing this issue, by using context:DrawStats(10, 200, true); ? Is this a normal drop or is something possibly wrong. I don't recall getting this kind of drop before.



  6. Hi Josh,


    Just wondering if these two things above are going to be added? I would like to know either way as I would hate to have to redo all the prefabs if the feature is added and I'll hold off.


    At the very least some sort of error/warning if this occurred as it is possible to do it in the editor.



  7. Hi Josh,


    This is a random test map just designed to crash and serves no purpose other than that. I rigged the level so it should crash when opened.


    It's not a functional level as such, it's more stress testing to try to see what is possible as what we plan to do is a pretty reasonable scale, and in doing so I thought I came across an issue in the engine which is this crash. The way we were creating houses is totally different now and not in little pieces, where I came across the issue.



  8. Hi Christian


    Here is a close up of the face. Now that you mention it if noticed the eyes were a little to wide also a little to sunken into the head. I've played around with it some more, so here it is.




    • Upvote 2
  9. And because purely positive feed back is useless here are a few nitpicks: wink.png


    No problem Guppy and nick.ace, feedback is always welcome, and there is always room for improvement. I must admit I don't know a lot about lighting. I'll have a play around with you suggestion, thanks!


    As far as specular goes, at the moment it is a high poly zBrush model and in zBrush specular is done more in a painted material than a map. The spec isn't going to come across to the final model so I don't spend a whole lot of time on it.


    You would need PBR shaders to really make it great tongue.png


    He will go through Quixel's ndo and ddo for sure and that's not far off.


    are you re making Last Of Us game in LE3 ?


    Rick and I are prototyping an idea at the moment to see if the idea floats and there is interest. You will have to wait and see =)



    Thank you all for your time.

  10. If I create a prefab that has prefabs as children, then add the main prefab to the map, the child prefabs don't appear.


    I've tested by changing a setting and breaking the prefab connection, the child appears again.


    I've tested with numerous prefabs.



    Root ->House.pfb->Fridge.pfb


    The fridge wont appear.




    • Upvote 1
  11. I'd very much like to see this kind if integration. Old or not the results from Quixel and Substance alone have blown my mind.


    Those programs are now standard programs I use in my workflow to create final textures and can't speak highly enough about them. If LE supported it I don't think it would be a step back at all.


    Would that model you proposed be compatible with these programs?


    It's a big +1 from me.

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