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Posts posted by tjheldna

  1. Hi All


    I've been having issues with running Leadwerks on my laptop for some time now and really not sure what I can do to fix. Leadwerks working fine on my desktop which is what I mainly use anyway.


    The issue occurs when I run my game and get the error 'Map File Version 28 is not supported'. I've updated the project, cleaned and rebuilt project in debug and release, nothing I've tried will get if fired up (The map works fine in the editor)... any ideas to try?



  2. Hi,


    These more than likely wont work by just adding them in to the demo as they have no affiliation to it. In fact they were made for a community project a while back. I'm not sure what's causing the crash as I haven't tried, maybe a node is being searched for and can't find it on my model or something.


    I could say I could make it work but at the moment with the latest addition to the family, time, sleep etc is out the window and have minimal time for even my project. If I do have a spare sec this weekend I'll try take a look, but I can't promise anything.


    Have you tried stepping through the code to see where it crashes?

  3. Things that I want to see are...


    - OSX Build


    - Performance


    - Some sort of editor plugin system.


    - Visual Shader Editor. Realistically we are limited to about 4 users here that can actually use the current method to its potential.


    - Improved Scene Graph as discussed in other threads


    - Substance Designer integration.


    - GUI Editor.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Dont forget you can view the fps and more via it this way too...



    Context *context = Context::GetCurrent();


    context->DrawStats(10, 10, false);


    lua (not tested)

    self.context:DrawStats(10, 10, false)

    • Upvote 1
  5. Here is an example of a custom mover class I created and all the collision responses that go along with it.


    //Define collision types

    PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionMover, Collision::Scene, 0);

    PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionMover, Collision::Prop, 0);

    PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionMover, Collision::Trigger, 0);

    PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionMover, Collision::Character, 1);

    PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionMover, kCollisionProjectile, 1);

    PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionMover, kCollisionCorpse, 0);

    PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionMover, kCollisionBorder, 0);

    PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(kCollisionMover, kCollisionMover, 0);

  6. With your buildings you need to generate a physics shape. You can do this by going to the 'Assets' tab right clicking on the model and 'generate shape'->'polymesh'. You then go to the scene tab, select your entity->physics tab->shape file and select your generated shape.

    You would look at creating a prefab from this model so you never need to do this process again for that model.


    Particles are under 'Objects' tab->'Effects' in the first drop down->'Particle Emitter' for the second drop down. You now can click in the view port to drop an emitter.


    Hope this helps

  7. Yes 3.0


    3.0 didn't come with the binaries from what I remember they need to be created by compiling. I'm still under the impression that this is the issue as in 3.0 you need to compile the project regardless if it's Lua or C++. The compiler you need then is VS 2010 instead.


    There is no coding involved, you just need to load up the project in the compiler by opening your projects [projectname].sln file and hit build under debug and release then you will be able to run it in the editor.


    shadmars suggestion could be it to.


    These are the first places I would look, hope you get there.

  8. If that's the case the bones, alignment and proportions seem great to me.


    On a side note what I do these days (don't know if this is the way to go but it works for me) is not to have the arms raised in the T position rather have them more on a 45 deg angle so they are in a more natural position. This eliminates some stretching around the shoulder area I've found when you go to animate the character as you don't need to rotate it as much to get the arms to their initial stance. Like I said don't know if it's the way to go or not... probably not for what you are doing.

  9. I think the animations look nice and neat


    Some points:


    - It's hard to tell where the animations start and stop as there is a bit of a blend period between some of them. Also could this be wasted space taking up resources when imported? I usually do a straight snap to the next animation with no space in between.


    - When I import the fbx into Modo, there are some weighting issues, but I think that could be a modo fbx import issue.


    - frames 12-91 idle anim, get a slight LHS leg shudder when looping (going from frame 91 to 12 and providing I have the right frames here).


    Can you provide the start and end frames of each animations and I can test more thoroughly?


    All in all, I thought it was pretty good.

  10. Hi Zancie,


    There are C++ users here and I for one are one of them. C++ came a while after Lua so in the future I have no doubt there will be more. The documentation has a C++ and a Lua example if you take a look. It's also quite easy to rewrite lua code into C++ if that helps.


    If you have a question about something in particular just post it and more than likely someone will be happy to help!

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