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Posts posted by tjheldna

  1. When you add a compound object to the world you get the nice transform tools to shape it.


    - If you save the world with a compound shape.


    - Reload the world.


    - Select the compound shape again.


    Then you don't get the transform tools like you did when you created it. Also a locator node appears in the centre of it. I have my doubts that this is expected behavior.






    If you have ignore groups on then you can select the individual elements with the transform tools, not the whole shape however.

  2. Hi Josh,


    I believe I have found a bug with the hinge joint. This may be effecting all joints however I haven't tested. I'm also presuming this isn't expected behavior.


    All three cases used the same code, using a simple door model.....


    - A hinge joint with the standard shapes for collision works fine

    - A hinge joint with a generated convex hull assigned for the collision shape works fine;

    - A hinge joint with a generated polymesh assigned does not work, object entity does not rotate.


    Let me know if you need more info.



  3. Hi all


    Just wondering if anyone is having the same issue I'm having....


    I'm using the steam version with C++ on Win 7.


    If I leave the editor open overnight, wake my computer. If the editor is open and in focus it will display properly. if I click anywhere on the window it crashes.


    I have tried x 2 projects (My main one C++ which has loads of content and a secondary one Lua which is pretty bare bones) the crash it happens to them both.


    Is there any one else experiencing this? Can someone else leave the editor on with a world loaded overnight and to see what happens?


    In my level It has terrain, some bsb, the fps script and a few textures.



  4. This is more out of curiosity than anything as I have no need for this feature. I've busted out my Wii for a bit of Zelda Twilight Princess and part of it is to do some of fishing. The way the fishing line moves is pretty cool, but I'm wondering what coding magic did they use to achieve this? I just can't figure it out!!!


    • Upvote 1
  5. You can open a .pfb file like a .map file. Once opened, you can add more entities etc you need to make sure it's a child of the original node and to re save you still need to right click on the original node and save as .pfb.

  6. I'm finding the current collision shape generation method a bit clunky, as everything else imports automatically it's a bit strange that this does not and the feature is a bit hidden unless you know how.


    This has really come to my attention for the creation of buildings where I'm frequently re importing to quickly to make sure thing's measure up by walking around in game (before I get too committed with texturing etc).


    This is just my idea...


    - Have a "Polymesh" and "Convex" option in the drop down list, under the physics tab. If either is selected a shape generates to be used for all instances.


    - Also the shape's regenerate if the model changes or re-imported.


    - Maybe a bit of cleanup too so say if you generate a convex hull and then you change it to a box. A check is done to see if any other instances are using it in the world. If not the shape auto deletes.


    - Definitely still keep the option to generate your own shape and select it, in case you want to use a more optimised shape.




    • Upvote 2
  7. I think that function is not documented, which reminds me to log a new report on that.


    Also thanks for the support, that's always nice to hear. This project is really pushing my limits in every aspect, feels like I have been working on it for ages.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Wouldn't you want control of that kind of thing on a more global level in code?


    It would be much easier managing one line of code, as opposed to having to make sure that all your levels have the shader set, order, etc. You could create an ini file with all your settings that you read/write to.

  9. I've just been trying out using my Wacom pen with the editor and was a great and efficient experience. It's especially good for terrain sculpting, selecting bits and pieces quickly etc. Almost everything works with it. there is one issue however....


    Right Click to rotate in the perspective = sends the perspective viewport into a spin.


    I understand that at no point did you say Wacoms are compatible however, if the right clicking in the viewport was made to work it will be and that would be awesome!

    • Upvote 1
  10. I am referring to this post




    Unter "Exemptions" it states


    "Leadwerks 3.0 customers who backed the Leadwerks for Linux Kickstarter project for $99 or more will receive the 3.1 upgrade for free."


    So that's pretty definite. But then, it also says "There is no purchase necessary to upgrade the mobile add-ons from Leadwerks 3.0 to Leadwerks 3.1" smile.png


    As I said, my guess is that the updater currently isn't aware of all those different cases.



    Hi Josh,


    Just wondering Is this still the case?



  11. Leadwerks Non Steam Windows download.


    Hi Josh, I may be having a seniors moment, but after I download the Windows version there is no Leadwerks.exe in the directory. There is however a Leadwerks file with no file extension.


    Is this just me experiencing this?

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