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Everything posted by tjheldna

  1. Hi Josh As of yesterdays steam beta update, i'm getting spammed in the console repeatedly.... "Failed to load component "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/MagesAlchemy" It starts happening after all the world items are loaded. In release and debug mode I'm only getting 10fps on my laptop. Let me know if you need any more info to assist. Cheers
  2. In the SetInput command which is what you will use to move your character controller, there is a crouch setting. I have never used this however. SetInput(float angle, float move, float strafe=0, float jump=0, bool crouch=false, float maxaccel=1)
  3. Yep it's there, I'll give it a try (unofficially that is )
  4. Texture::Create looks interesting, I'll look into it some more tonight and see what I can come up with. I could also see uses for progress bars that are made from images not rectangles. Thanks
  5. I don't think you can but it won't hurt to ask. Is it possible to tile an image using DrawImage? I've created a speech dialog box in which I want a header image, footer image and the body image which the height is variable depending on how much text is displayed. Obviously I could create a series of smaller body images to match the size of the dialog windos text, but if the above was possible it would be a lot nicer. Also is it possible to clip a drawn image? I remember doing something like this in 2.5 with buffers, but not sure how to do it in 3.1.
  6. Updated project to a new build. I just integrated all the optimisations done over the last couple of days into my project and came across a few issues which are now resolved and updated (mainly from changing over from vectors to lists). http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/537-tjui-31/ Enjoy!
  7. The member is there, however if I do a check for it, the if statement is entered regardless if a script is attached or not. Maybe it has something to do with where I'm doing it in the LoadWorldHook. if (entity->script != NULL) { std::cout << entity->GetKeyValue("name", ""); Door *object = new Door(); object->entity = entity; }
  8. Just wondering is there any way you can tell if an entity has a script attached in C++? Cheers
  9. Updated the tjui GUI project. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/537-tjui-31/ Change list: - There was a pretty big bug due to me renaming a few variables. - Created a settings window for the demo. I'm thinking I'll create a basic game menu system, so you can customise. The old demo window opens when you click the close button. - Optimisations to the standard Button Widget. - Changed the way children are referenced from a std::vector to std::list. This will help me later on down the track when I need to re-order lists which is more harder and slower with vectors. - The root Widgets can only be windows now. - Many optimisations. Cheers!
  10. Hi all, This is a bit of a call for help as the next phase that I want to do to the system is ambitious for me to do by myself. I want to add 3D widgets to GUI system to be drawn by using surfaces and texturing them. This would also pave the way for using a texture sheet and referencing sections to make up your GUI, transforming widgets etc. - What I need, is how to do I add a surface at position 0,0 in camera space? How do I get the screen size? etc - Do you think my best option is to add these surfaces as children of the camera? Any other info on this topic would would be great, don't forget we will all benefit from this =).
  11. I've create a native C++ GUI system for Leadwerks a while ago and have now updated it majorly for 3.1. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6407-le3-c-tjui/page__hl__tjui The demo looks a little crumby, however don't be fooled, it's quite powerful. Works on Windows; Should work on Linux but not tested, and did work on OSX back in 3.0. Hope someone can get some use out of it like I have!
  12. When you add a compound object to the world you get the nice transform tools to shape it. - If you save the world with a compound shape. - Reload the world. - Select the compound shape again. Then you don't get the transform tools like you did when you created it. Also a locator node appears in the centre of it. I have my doubts that this is expected behavior. Cheers ---EDIT If you have ignore groups on then you can select the individual elements with the transform tools, not the whole shape however.
  13. Ok then... didn't see that, this can be deleted.
  14. Hi Josh, I believe I have found a bug with the hinge joint. This may be effecting all joints however I haven't tested. I'm also presuming this isn't expected behavior. All three cases used the same code, using a simple door model..... - A hinge joint with the standard shapes for collision works fine - A hinge joint with a generated convex hull assigned for the collision shape works fine; - A hinge joint with a generated polymesh assigned does not work, object entity does not rotate. Let me know if you need more info. Cheers!
  15. If you add a post shader on the root node then double click it, the file does not open and an error appears in the console... Error: File "" does not exist. Cheers
  16. Hi all Just wondering if anyone is having the same issue I'm having.... I'm using the steam version with C++ on Win 7. If I leave the editor open overnight, wake my computer. If the editor is open and in focus it will display properly. if I click anywhere on the window it crashes. I have tried x 2 projects (My main one C++ which has loads of content and a secondary one Lua which is pretty bare bones) the crash it happens to them both. Is there any one else experiencing this? Can someone else leave the editor on with a world loaded overnight and to see what happens? In my level It has terrain, some bsb, the fps script and a few textures. Cheers!
  17. Yeah, did it work for you no probs?
  18. Hi Josh, Since this mornings update my maps don't load and the debugger is giving the error "Map file version 25 not supported". Cheers
  19. You can open a .pfb file like a .map file. Once opened, you can add more entities etc you need to make sure it's a child of the original node and to re save you still need to right click on the original node and save as .pfb.
  20. Yes it is..... entity->SetShadowMode(Light::Dynamic); 0 = no shadow Light::Dynamic Light::Static Light::Buffered
  21. I'm finding the current collision shape generation method a bit clunky, as everything else imports automatically it's a bit strange that this does not and the feature is a bit hidden unless you know how. This has really come to my attention for the creation of buildings where I'm frequently re importing to quickly to make sure thing's measure up by walking around in game (before I get too committed with texturing etc). This is just my idea... - Have a "Polymesh" and "Convex" option in the drop down list, under the physics tab. If either is selected a shape generates to be used for all instances. - Also the shape's regenerate if the model changes or re-imported. - Maybe a bit of cleanup too so say if you generate a convex hull and then you change it to a box. A check is done to see if any other instances are using it in the world. If not the shape auto deletes. - Definitely still keep the option to generate your own shape and select it, in case you want to use a more optimised shape. Cheers!
  22. Double click on the texture in the editor turn off "Generate mipmaps".
  23. Yes if you drag an entity in the scene graph view to the top/bottom portion, the list should scroll up/down.
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