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Posts posted by tjheldna

  1. Hi all,


    What I'm onto now is a bit of story line and I find myself struggling. I'm not really struggling as far as imagination goes, it's rather how to plan on paper what happens in the game from start to finish.


    Is it really as simple as saying in a word doc or something..


    1. Talk to this guy

    2 .Pick up this object



    What if things don't need to be done in order? It could get confusing.


    Is there some sort of method (program like visio or otherwise) that people use for this purpose?



    Any thoughts would be great!



  2. Just wondering in future is it going to be possible to take screenshots via the api? Obviously we would have to add the code into our game and assign to a key etc.


    Or is it available already and I've missed something?



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  3. I haven't tried AlignToVector as it was getting a little late last night, but I'll give it a go and if I do I'll let you know. Event if I don't, the way it is now is perfect.


    Also do you wan't me to post the C++ code for the align to terrain part? It wasn't hard to do but, this could be real useful for anyone trying to do prone for a character or an animal like I'm doing.


    Thanks again.

  4. I had no I idea that's what it was doing, I did a search for the first child bone and it all animated with physics as expected. I'll have to modify my rig to include a root node I think.


    Thanks Josh! I guess this isn't a bug.

  5. Hi Josh,


    I'm having an issue with an entity with rigid body physics applied v3.0.


    This is occurring if you are animating a skinned entity with rigid body, shape and mass. Apply any kind of physics i.e AddForce, gravity etc, the entity is not effected by these forces.


    Let me know if you need more detail?


    It's real busy for me at the moment but I'll see if I can do a quick sample of the issue.



  6. I'm basically creating a quick prototype of an idea I had and am seeing if it is at all possible in Leadwerks 3. In the game you control a 4 legged animal so conforming to the terrain is needed.


    In LE3 friction seems to be the only attribute exposed for physics objects no linear/angular damping or restitution exposed.

  7. Hi,


    Just wondering if someone knows a solution to my problem. I'm creating a custom character controller with a rigid body object.


    I'm using AddForce to push the character which is working.


    My problem is when I turn the object. As the character turns there must still be a residual force still being applied in the old direction. Although the new directional force is being applied and the character starts to drift.


    I'm using PhysicsSetRotation for the rotation of the object.


    Any one know what I need to do to stop this drifting (Physics isn't a strong point)?



  8. The way I did it quickly is to use a timer when you jump after a certain time while airborne you are falling, which surprisingly worked quite well.


    Thinking about it if you saved the value of your previous y every step and compared it to your current y value while jumping. If it's less then the previous you are falling, maybe that's an idea or a place to start.

  9. Couldn't find the documentation for it however in C++ it's...


    PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(Collision::whatever, Collision::Scene, 0);


    The zero enables/disables collision.


    you can also create your own collision types as they are just a numeric value. I think I started mine at 10 just in case Josh adds more default types later on.

  10. Hi Josh,


    I'm setting up slider joints in 3.0 and am having some issues in getting an object from move from point to point (deleting the joint and creating a new one when the destination is reached).


    The code is pretty much identical to the examples in 3.1 steam however it's in c++. The platform always moves to the first point no probs, but when going to the next point it starts moving then just stops (a little hard to explain).


    My question is was there any fixes/work done to the slider joint in 3.1?



  11. Hi JedTheKrampus


    I too have had issues with this, as discussed in this thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7900-save-png-exception/

    it also happens when I save a png from crazybump too.


    I've noticed with substance if you lower the size of the output node sometimes it works. I usually change the default format to RGBA and no mipmap.


    If you save the png from those programs in a Project folder the exception happens, however if you reload the editor the file imports.


    The only current solution I have for you is to save the file elsewhere and then move it into the LE folder.



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