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Posts posted by tjheldna

  1. Hi, just pointing something out as you might find this useful as far as material assignment to models.


    - If you open the model editor by double clicking on the model


    - Drag a material on the model in the model editor not the world editor.


    - save the model.


    - It assigns the material to all instances in the world. If you have multiple materials drag the materials to the right position on the model.



    That's the proper way to assign materials to a model.



  2. Yeah something is wrong here.


    I'm not sure if it is a requirement of 3.1 as you dont need to do it in 3.0, but your model doesn't look like it is a closed mesh. Correct me if I'm wrong but you may need to do this (just looking at the background shadows anyway).


    Does your material have a diffuse texure in slot 1, normal map in slot 2, and spec map in slot 3 in it's material in LE? It could be a missing normal map in the material producing these weird results.


    If you open up the model view do a calculate normals (available in the model viewer menu bar).

  3. PhysicsSetPosition dosent disrupt things like gravity. So say if you are always setting a physics body to the z axis using PhysicsSetPosotion every loop you will still fall and be effected by forces.


    I wanted to make a side scroller and still do, but I ran into a major problem. Rigid bodies it works for, character controllers it does not (I think you can set it but it has no effect). If you do a search On the forums there is a thread on different methods tried.


    The only thing that did work were two invisible boxes either side of the player, which I thought was too hacky. Another possibility would be to create your own character controller out of a rigid body.


    Would be real nice if the character controller had the ability to do this too. I would be a big +1 on that.

  4. I can't move multiple selected objects under another object. Only a single object moves.


    Moving every brush I created for a full level under a pivot for organizing the hierarchy one by one takes a lot of effort and not practical.


    Only one model moves for me at a time and yes it would be nice if you can drag multiple.

  5. There is no alpha being drawn use the set blend mode Alpha before the draw and blend mode solid after you finished drawing your text etc. think that's it.






  6. I have a feeling it can't find the default project. I had something like this happen in testing once.


    In your "Documents" folder


    Is there a Leadwerks\Projects\MyGame folder?


    If not I guess create a Leadwerks\Projects folder.


    Go into your steam Leadwerks install directory and copy the MyGame folder into the Leadwerks\Projects folder

  7. Hi Josh,


    This issue has been happening since I can remember with Leadwerks 3. I haven't worried about it as it isn't a real big issue, but can be annoying as the only fix I can find is restarting the editor.


    I'm not sure on what makes this bug occur sorry! It doesn't seem to matter if it's move, rotate etc.


    See the image RHS. When selecting models, every now and again the widget lines align. If you click where an axis should be drawn you can still move the model along that axis so it's just a visual thing.



  8. I believe I've found a bug with with Rigid Body Physics.


    My physics shape is set to:


    Mode = Rigid Body

    Type = Box

    Shape Offset = 0, 0, 0

    Shape Rotation = 0,0,0


    Shape Size = 0.4, 0.11, 4.0


    Mass = 10.0


    The object aka a plank of wood is added to the world in mid air expecting to fall to the ground when the world is loaded.


    When the world is loaded, it appears that the object has no physics applied to it and just hangs in mid air with the above settings.


    If I touch the object with the character controller the object will snap to the location where it "should" have ended up if it dropped to the ground normally. After that initial issue the object can be pushed around normally.


    If I increase the Y value to say 0.2, the plank falls to the ground as expected.



  9. Hi Josh,


    I think I've found a few issues with the Listener class.


    Looks like the range field is not being initialised (C++), noticed while debugging.


    Also Listener::GetRange() and Listener::SetRange() does not exist.


    Damn can't seem to upload a screen shot now (too big)!



  10. This has been happening from time to time but could never work out the cause.



    - Move forward in the perspective view port.


    - Right click in the perspective viewport to bring up the properties menu. Once the properties window is open it does not matter now if you still have the movement key down.


    - Click anywhere except the properties window. This will lose the properties menu.


    You are now stuck in a forward movement.



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