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Everything posted by tjheldna

  1. I recommend Modo it's worth every cent. Can export to Leadwerks with animations no probs. One cool thing about it is there are Windows, OSX and Linux installs.
  2. It appears I have my Lua syntax wrong, this definitely works. self.window=Window:Create("Leadwerks", 0, 0, 1024, 768, Window.FullScreen)
  3. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowcreate-r462 I use c++ and don't know much about the LUA syntax however change the camera create in your App.lua file. Sould look something like this... self.window = Window:Create("Leadwerks", 0, 0, 1024, 768, Window:Fullscreen);
  4. Couldn't find the documentation for it however in C++ it's... PhysicsDriver::GetCurrent()->SetCollisionResponse(Collision::whatever, Collision::Scene, 0); The zero enables/disables collision. you can also create your own collision types as they are just a numeric value. I think I started mine at 10 just in case Josh adds more default types later on.
  5. It will take a little while but I should be able to do it. I'll paste in some code in a sec to see if something pops up.
  6. Hi Josh, I'm setting up slider joints in 3.0 and am having some issues in getting an object from move from point to point (deleting the joint and creating a new one when the destination is reached). The code is pretty much identical to the examples in 3.1 steam however it's in c++. The platform always moves to the first point no probs, but when going to the next point it starts moving then just stops (a little hard to explain). My question is was there any fixes/work done to the slider joint in 3.1? Cheers!
  7. The options to upload files appear when you click the "More Reply Options" next to "Post".
  8. Oh yeah, 3.0... yes prefabs aren't working, we will have to wait. It has been reported.
  9. Is that the right path? to it shouldn't it be "Prefabs/asd.pfb" or whatever your folder you have it in (if you have it in a folder)? Cheers
  10. Hi JedTheKrampus I too have had issues with this, as discussed in this thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7900-save-png-exception/ it also happens when I save a png from crazybump too. I've noticed with substance if you lower the size of the output node sometimes it works. I usually change the default format to RGBA and no mipmap. If you save the png from those programs in a Project folder the exception happens, however if you reload the editor the file imports. The only current solution I have for you is to save the file elsewhere and then move it into the LE folder. Cheers
  11. Uploaded a demo project in the beta tester area.
  12. Hi Josh, I reported this in the beta testing forum titled Beta 4 Terrain Painting (on page 2). Cheers!
  13. Scale it down to about 0.1 in the level and shine a light on her.
  14. You beat me to it =). if you scale the model in the editor this issue happens.
  15. Did you assign each material to the model in the Model Editor not the world editor?
  16. Hi, just pointing something out as you might find this useful as far as material assignment to models. - If you open the model editor by double clicking on the model - Drag a material on the model in the model editor not the world editor. - save the model. - It assigns the material to all instances in the world. If you have multiple materials drag the materials to the right position on the model. That's the proper way to assign materials to a model. Cheers
  17. Yeah something is wrong here. I'm not sure if it is a requirement of 3.1 as you dont need to do it in 3.0, but your model doesn't look like it is a closed mesh. Correct me if I'm wrong but you may need to do this (just looking at the background shadows anyway). Does your material have a diffuse texure in slot 1, normal map in slot 2, and spec map in slot 3 in it's material in LE? It could be a missing normal map in the material producing these weird results. If you open up the model view do a calculate normals (available in the model viewer menu bar).
  18. This was 3.0, I haven't had the problem in 3.1.
  19. The Darkness Awaits project has basic melee attacking are we allowed to post a snippet from that?
  20. PhysicsSetPosition dosent disrupt things like gravity. So say if you are always setting a physics body to the z axis using PhysicsSetPosotion every loop you will still fall and be effected by forces. I wanted to make a side scroller and still do, but I ran into a major problem. Rigid bodies it works for, character controllers it does not (I think you can set it but it has no effect). If you do a search On the forums there is a thread on different methods tried. The only thing that did work were two invisible boxes either side of the player, which I thought was too hacky. Another possibility would be to create your own character controller out of a rigid body. Would be real nice if the character controller had the ability to do this too. I would be a big +1 on that.
  21. Just gave it a try and I can definitely move an object in the perspective view. Not really sure, but is "Select Object" on in the LHS menu when you are trying to do this?
  22. Only one model moves for me at a time and yes it would be nice if you can drag multiple.
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