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Posts posted by tjheldna

  1. Hi Josh,


    Some of these may have been mentioned before but if they are its a +1 for me.


    - Being able to texture lock position on BSP is really needed IMO.


    - World editor camera speed select.


    - This was mentioned in another post but it's a +1 for fog too (the LE2 fog was perfect).


    - The current world saves your last "calculate lighting" settings.


    - Boolean operations for BSP.


    - Option to turn off offset when copy pasting



  2. I know how to do this in LE2 by defining custom collision types. However I can't seem to figure it out in Leadwerks 3.



    If I set a projectile set to Collision::Prop or Collision::Scene


    - projectile sometimes collides with player


    If I set a projectile to Collision::Trigger


    - projectile ignores BSP geometry


    Is it possible to set a custom collision type which I can set it to ignores player collision but detect all others in Leadwerks 3?

  3. Hi Josh,


    I'm having some issues with the character controller =(.


    - If the character controller hits a surface from the top it's getting stuck. As soon as I apply a force left/right the character it releases.


    - The character is not hitting the ground properly until a left/right force is applied. There is no external forces applied when falling.


    See video...



  4. When making entities in the world editor children of another you can multiple select entities to drag them over the parent Ok.


    The problem is though even though multiple objects are selected to be parented only 1 entity will ever be added to the parent per drag.



  5. Yes, I have never added anything in there before. I'll do it for the next update.


    Also a quick callout for some help on this. I haven't done any research on how to do this, but someone may be able to point me in the right direction and save me some time.


    I want to have 1 texture for the entire GUI system to skin the elements by cropping sections. This would be great if the user can just replace the images to skin their GUI. Does anyone have an example on how to do the texture cropping to make my life a little easier?

  6. Hi Josh


    Just put together a little sample. Look at the outputs to the console.



    function App:Start()
           --Create a window
           self.window = Window:Create()
           self.context = Context:Create(self.window)
           self.world = World:Create()
           local camera = Camera:Create()
           local light = DirectionalLight:Create()
           --Load a model
           self.entity = Model:Box()
           local child = Model:Box(1,1,1)
           child1 = Model:Box(1,1,1)
           child2 = Model:Box(1,1,1)
    System:Print("Value below.... should this be returning 3? now that box 1, 2, and 3 are parented")
    --Find the first box should this work?
    System:Print("Find the first box using FindChild")
    local box = self.entity:FindChild("MyBox1")
    if box then
           System:Print("MyBox1 Found")
           System:Print("Could not find MyBox1")
           return true
    function App:Loop()
           if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyHit(Key.Escape) then return false end
           return true

  7. Hi All,


    Im having a little trouble with FindChild and Lua..


    I have a function that mounts the inventory item to the player's hand which works fine see below.


    function Script:MountCurrentWeapon()
     local currentItem = self.inventory:GetCurrentItem()
     self.mountedItem = Model:Load(currentItem.itemModelPath)
     local itemMountNode = self.mountedItem:FindChild("mountPoint")
     local playerMountNode = self.entity:FindChild("Bip001 R Hand")


    I always need a reference to self.mountedItem so I can swap weapons etc. The problem is as soon as I parent the self.mountedItem to the hand. I can't find any of it's children anymore also self.mountedItem:CountChildren() returns 0.


    Is this a lua thing? because I can do something similar in C++ it works fine. I'm just starting out using Lua so am I may be doing something wrong?


    Also I can't seem to return the first object when using FindChild(). I have had to add an extra node when exporting which is the parent of "mountPoint".



  8. Updated...


    - Added Radio Group. For a set radio buttons to work they must be added as a child to a radio group.


    - Added Radio Button Widget


    - Added Radio Button Images


    - Modified Check box Image


    - Cleaning up of classes and formatting


    - Added Radio button Example



    The source and data downloads are removed and replaced with a whole LE3 project.

  9. Hi Josh,


    I few little optimisations would be great with the model editor. These things have come up with the constant testing of a character...


    - Would be nice if you overwrite your character the animation sequences are remembered.


    - Ability to edit your animation start and end frames of your extraction.


    - Play animation button.


    - When extracting an animation, currently it always uses the current extraction number. If your not careful you can extract animations that have no frames if you have extracted a few times and aren't careful. It would be nice if the extraction always comes from the original full animation no. 0 unless specified otherwise.




  10. hmm, you know what, it's actually stopped occurring. I've made a bit of progress with the character as far as animations and skinning goes. When this issue was happening there were no animations. I'll see if I can narrow it down, but may have to leave this issue for now.

  11. If "ignore groups" is not checked and you assign a character controller to a player, the character controller is assigned to every node in the hierarchy. This causes the player to explode when the game is launched =).


    If "ignore groups" is selected then the character controller is assigned to the root only and works.


    - Character exported using .gmf format using character studio for bones.



  12. Hi Josh,


    I've created my own character which is still a WIP but have noticed something. Pretty sure this worked properly in LE2.


    -Using character studio for bones.


    -This happens once the animation script is applied


    - It seems the rotation of the Bip01 root node effects the orientation of the character in game when animated.


    e.g. I'm creating a character rotated in a sideways stance by the Bip01 node in 3ds max. The direction of the Bip01 node becomes is the new forward direction in LE3 when animated. If no animation is applied there is no issue.


    I can test this by using the player script the player faces and moves to the forward position of the Bip01 node when animated.


    - I would have thought that the rotation of this node would make no difference to the overall orientation of the player and you can animate the root node as you please.


    Note that if the character is placed in the game without animation it orient's properly.


    Let me know if what I have explained was unclear? This is a bit of a tricky one to describe.



  13. I haven't had a in depth look at it as of yet, but yes things are definitely functioning a whole lot better and happy that fixes came out quickly after you got back.


    Just wondering though what is planned for updates in the future? i.e. are you planning on doing smaller fixes over a short period of time or larger over a longer period? No big deal, just curious.



    I'll try to break it a little harder on the weekend tongue.png .


    Good work Josh

  14. Hi All,


    I've been a big C++ guy from the start, but I want to learn how to use lua. Most I've found pretty straight forward however I'm trying to implement classes and inheritance and have hit a wall with inheritance.


    What I'm trying to do is have an InventoryItem class and a GunItem which inherits. Maybe I'm a little off today, don't know, I just can't seem to understand from examples from the net and I don't know if they work in LE.


    Does anyone know of a simple tutorial for this? or have an example handy?



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