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Everything posted by tjheldna

  1. Hi Shadmar, I've just tried setting the spec to white and the alpha = 255 still not difference. Even if I change the specular colour it does nothing. Playing around with LIght mapped material's the specular map works fine. It's just the Dynamic that I can't get it to make any difference.
  2. Hi all, I'm having an issue with the spec map. I'm using the dynamic diffuse+normal+specular.shader. In the image below the spec texture is mainly black with the mossy bits whiter. Now looking at the teapot the texture is just showing the entire texture with specular where I would expect the brick parts would have mainly no spec, like it's ignoring the map. I have tested with an entirely black spec map with no change. Don't know if I'm doing something wrong or it's a bug? Cheers!
  3. Thanks Rick, I was wondering how to do the same thing.
  4. Glad you got it working, it's always tough starting out.
  5. You will need to build the DA project too even though it's a lua project, then you can run it. I think Josh stopped pre building that a little while ago. Also if you are inside the box i don't think you would be able to see it as the polys wont be double sided.
  6. Just found this on google about the warnings, I don't think you need to worry about it. As far as the box not appearing goes I guess check Map::Load is actually loading the map.. (start.map is added to your project from the template). std::string mapname = System::GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map"); if(Map::Load(mapname)) { std::cout << "map loaded" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "map not loaded" << std::endl; } Other than that is the camera actually pointing at the box?
  7. Yes I missed the vs 2012 part. I didnt try too hard getting it working, but I didnt manage to. So I downloaded 2010 and it was fine. With the game run issue, you need to compile in visual studio under debug and release modes. In vs there should be the option in a dropdown to change between them.
  8. Can you show us the error? - One thing I've had to do with VS is to disable incremental building in the project settings on a new project, as I've had issues with errors with this setting. It's under Configuration Properties->Linker->General->Enable Incremental Linking (set to no). -Try a project clean then build. -The play buttons in leadwerks will run the debug and release version of your program so you will need to build it for both for both buttons to run your game. I generally only build for debug for now so I just hit the debug button only. Hope this helps!
  9. Hey Shadmar, Just wondering do you have issues with the bloom shader with dynamic shadows? See below (I know nothing about shaders BTW). Cheers
  10. Was talking about the same scale grid for all viewports =). Sorry should have mentioned that there was a stretch to fit function!
  11. Yes I think that option is needed too.
  12. Champion, that would be great! want to see what it looks like.
  13. Yes this doesn't seem to work. First time Iv'e tried it though.
  14. Hi All, @shadmar: It's just a .psd saved in the LE folder. @Mike: Even when I zoom the issue is very obvious, the alpha fade is white. I probably should have taken screens of a similar scale. @Aggror: I created an alpha channel for the image then created a black background so there is no transparency in the image. Now it's coming though properly Thanks! Still something is wrong here, I shouldn't have do do that. If I save the image as a .png the alpha appears as it should, looks like it's a bug with the import of .psd files.
  15. Hi all, Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a bug. See image below..... On the right is Photoshop where clearly the alpha fades out from black to 0 opacity. When imported into LE3 the black appears to fade from white to 0 opacity. Any ideas what's happening? Cheers!
  16. Ahh gone are the days where the only plot is to rescue your girlfriend! Yeah that is an option, but not optimal The code above does make the character always go to the 0 z axis however he can be pushed off a little. He will also face the direction he is going which I can't have. I'm stumped, maybe setting collision boxes either side of the player is currently the only way? I like box2d, I'm using it for an ios project using cocos2d-x. Sound's like a good solution but I don't think i'm smart enough to plug that in to LE though.
  17. Think I got it or at least part of it.... Does this look correct for getting the direction? Vec3 pos = GetTargetEntity()->GetPosition(); Vec3 pos2; float dirx = pos2.z - pos.z; yaw = Math::ATan2(dirx, movement.z) - 180;
  18. Hi All, it's been a while since I've been able to update on this. I've had great success using PhysicsSetPosition on physics objects, however it seems to have no effect on a character controller. Any ideas of what to do there or what's causing it to ignore? Cheers Again!
  19. Hi Josh When assigning a texture to a surface in the model editor the material dosen't show unless you update the viewport by rotating the model or something. Cheers!
  20. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6407-le3-c-tjui/page__hl__tjui This is the GUI system I've created. I'm adding to it slowly. I'm in the process of moving house atm, so I wont be able to update it for a while. I've hardly written a line of code in weeks =(.
  21. Hi Daimour, Sorry I couldn't respond yesterday, had a very busy day and today will be about the same. Thanks for looking into this for me, it is much appreciated. I did try using SetPosition every second loop however it seemed to noticeably pause the physics. I'm looking forward to see what Setting the Velocity will do, but I'm going to have to do it tomorrow night! I also tried using to boxes either side of the game play which did work, however it makes level editing a bit harder and viewing the level physics harder too.
  22. Thanks for the reply's guys. Damn I'm doing a 2d side scroller in 3D and was fine till I started adding a few enemies etc and things are starting to get bumped around. @Rick I thought of doing that, but was really hoping for a code solution. I think at least for now it may have to do, **** I'm even thinking I may have to change engines for this project if it can't be done, which I really don't want to do.
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