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Everything posted by tjheldna

  1. The way I look at it these days is fancy graphics don't do it for me, I want game play! I've played a few 3d games on my galaxy, they all had not much more rendering capability than what LE3 (maybe less) and it looked great on a phone. I think if LE3 had dynamic shadows, that would probably do me for the time being and the rest can come later. I think GUI tools are needed as a priority. I almost didn't buy LE2 due to that reason. The amount of time you need to do the "tweak, compile, play, exit" (loop) with widgets does my head in. There is practically an editor for everything else in LE3 now, why not an editor for the most important thing that links the player to the game (IMO)?
  2. Part of me thought of that too, you may just be right. However if LE3 will never end up having the features I need, affordability isn't the point. It's all money wasted if I can't use it due to it not suiting my needs. I think I need a confirmation of planned features before I purchase, unless my brain decides otherwise. What is this purchase getting me in the future? Are we going to have a roadmap???
  3. Hello all, I've been in two minds for the purchase. I really want to buy it and am impressed with what I've seen with the demo, however the uncertainty of upcoming features; time frames; and do we need to pay for features that I feel probably should be part of the engine keep stopping me adding LE3 to my cart. The way I'm looking at it is, I have another engine licence which has all features I need apart from mobile device builds which is on the roadmap. With the other engine I have full source, GUI, terrain, saving/loading levels, networking and the license is for life among others. The thing that's keeping me from using it is LE is a whole lot easier for me to get my head around and the community is very helpful. I love LE2, and want to buy 3 and now think the pricing is reasonable for an indie, however with the absence of some of those features like GUI editor; networking; no out of the box way of save/load levels and no formal documentation on what's planned is making me think I really don't know what id be buying? Without a roadmap of planned features and approximate time frames I really have no idea. I must admit I haven't been reading all the posts on LE3 as I've just been too busy as of late. So if there is any documentation on any of these points please point me in the right direction and please change my mind!
  4. Hmm bit of a stab in the dark. Is there a wild SetColor somewhere in your code? Check the environment attributes in the level?
  5. Got that issue sorted and yeah there is quite a bit of error checking/discarding of entries and the only way to get them all is by new eyes taking a look. I'll upload a new build within the next few days with quite a few updates.
  6. Thanks Pixel, nice catch and I'll look into it. I did have issues with that. Say when you add and type the answer 10 you don't want to be able to type 010. I'll have to make an exception if the numbers typed is equal 1.
  7. Ha, that just made my day/month/year! I've had a little break from dev over the Christmas period as things get really crazy with all that's going on and staying up late every night working on it has taken it's toll. Basically what I'm looking at a total of 8 - 10 levels, rework of the GUI's, and another character to finish. I'll probably do another beta build for download with more levels also. I originally had late Feb for a finish time, however I doubt I'll make it. I'm now thinking more April-May 2013 hopefully earlier. I am also considering the possibility of releasing the levels in parts or chapters so I can get it out and continue working on it at the same time. Thanks again Pixel!
  8. The artwork looks amazing Pixel, I'm impressed. Looking forward to see more of this project as it progresses.
  9. Hi Patrik Thanks! Basicly the way the camera works there are camera nodes in the level and it works out which one you are closest to and pans to the closest. I used the curve function to smooth it a bit. I thought with the trees passing might be a nice little touch, but hmm it people think it's not a good thing then I may reconsider. I actually forgot to disable this however, if you press the "P" key it goes to a rotating chase camera view. This is only for testing and will be removed, but its there if you want to try it. Maybe it has a place in the game, not sure. There are many different things planned for the challenges, but they aren't planned till future levels. I want to keep level 1 pretty easy for a beginner player. Some challenges are already done, some are still ideas ,but I want to have a diverse range of them.
  10. I have done a list for "voice master Aggror". I'm still reviewing it as I want to make sure it's final before I give it to him. Also new additions (not uploaded yet) - Tutorial window text changed. - Fixed duplicate sum issue. - When you finish a level it loads the next level automatically. - Level end results speed increased.
  11. Hi Rick, Responses below Create New User screen: - Would like to use the keyboard to type my name - The on screen keyboard is in alphabetical order and not a "normal" keyboard layout. My friends wife pointed this out too, she didn't like the layout of the keyboard I'll make that change of those two items. - Loading screen: - The image black wasn't the same as the bg black. I'm guessing you want that to blend so we can't really see the bounds of the image? Yes I do, and I never noticed. I'll fix it. - Game: - Animation looks pretty choppy. Are you doing animation blending? That would help smooth this out. There is some animation blending, but can do with improvement. - If I jump and move at the same time there is a good amount of gliding the character does. This should blend the land animation and the amount depends on how hard he hits the ground. This has been pretty seamless from my tests. I'll check it out. - There is a good amount of gliding happening This shouldn't happen and doesn't happen on my end. I'll look into it. - Camera angle gets to far away sometimes. After the first bridge I'm in the middle of the bridge and running over the coins was a little odd. I'll look at improving the camera's. Positioning is quite tricky. - In 1 bridge lowering I got 2 of the exact same formulas. Maybe make it so that can't happen. Easy Fix - Not sure what the coins are for. They don't seem to serve any real purpose Currently the coins do not have a specific purpose apart from trying to find all 20 in each level and all 5 orbs. As levels progress they will get increasingly harder to get. Originally I wanted to do a store, but I cut that idea out ages ago. - Takes way to long to tally the scores. I feel these should go faster and more flash and bang. I remember this feedback from the video. I was going to work on this in the final week, but ran out of time. I have a few things planned for this. - Starting level 2, maybe just automatically give me the mana and down spells from last level. Not much sense in just easily picking them up when I already know them. Originally inventory items did save, but I commented it out. Here is my reason.... say if you come across one of those bridges and you don't have the lower spell, but you used it in a previous level. I want the user to think hey I've done this before and think what did I need to solve that problem? It also gives the user more things to collect in a level. In future levels they will become harder to find and reach. - More variety in puzzles. (I know you have this planned) Completed another two items. In level 2 did you find the two secret caves using the Detect Magic Spell? 3rd level froze on the loading screen. Not sure what happened but I just killed it at that point. That usually means some player loading didn't work. I'll look into it, you might want to try deleting your save data in your "Mages Alchemy" home folder (don't delete the sqlite db ) Love the music, love the scenery, great UI & overall game look and feel. I think the puzzle variety would go a long way with a game like this. Keep up the good work! I can't claim credit for the music, it's from a royalty free site =). ty Rick, I appreciate your comments as they show you have put quite a bit of thought and time into them. They have helped me to identify what areas to look at.
  12. Thanks guys! I'll take a look at the text, I haven't really put a whole lot of thought into it as of yet. I like the text changes you have to the text and will add them in. I do have a storyline in mind I think I need to amp it up in that area, maybe as a cut scene at the start or something. @Pixel. Good to hear it runs well on your computer. I still have many optimisations to do as I haven't done a single LOD as of yet, which I'll hopefully get to soon and make even more of a difference. As far as the bridge goes there are two things that probably have something to do with it, It doesn't happen on mine however.. 1. I attempted to create a shader on it as I wanted it to flash when casting a "detect magic" spell, however I didn't get it working, but I don't think I removed my dodgy shader code properly. 2. The bridge is only half textured as you may have noticed some sections aren't UVW mapped at all. Maybe it has something to do with it? I was thinking about 7+ years to be the target audience for this game. It would really make my day if your son likes it and possibly even learn from it! Mine is still way too young to play it and the schools I work at use Mac with no Bootcamp, so testing in that age group hasn't happened yet. I'm very interested to hear the results of that.
  13. First post updated and download link to the first release beta build added. It's late here, and I'm done for tonight. Cheers!
  14. Hey Aggror, very cool, your voice is now the voice of the main character. I went for the 10% lower pitch_normal voice. I think that one sounds really good and not too out of place. I have another thought, instead of your voice being the voice of the character, it could be like a commentators voice over. I think that would fit very nicely indeed. I'll roll with what I have atm I have a tonne of things to do before this weekend. I want to just keep the voice in and let it sink in more as it's added a whole new dimension to the game . If you are interested in creating more in the near future that would be awesome!
  15. Thanks Aggror, I got them this morning, I didn't respond as I left my computer on last night. Thanks heaps! I'm actually really happy with them and good variety to. I'll add a voice to the player hopefully tonight and see how it meshes with the game. Thanks again!
  16. Nice one thank's Aggror
  17. Hi Aggror, Thanks for the offer. You definitely have the ability to do it as you are a serial video blogger =). I'm not sure if your voice will fit as I picture the voice to be an older deep voice but I'm willing to give it a shot if you are? Who knows, it may just work and if it doesn't it will serve as a stand in so it would be useful anyway. Maybe it's possible to edit the voice for these effects afterwards.I won't be able to get to adding a voice sound just as yet but I'll chuck it on my list and give you a yell when I'm ready. I'm also going to have to learn a thing or two about sound editing as I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this. If you are up for it now I guess the first phrase I'll need is "I do not have enough mana" or "Mana levels are too low" as a variation. Cheers!
  18. Seems to work for me too. Thanks @Roland What I meant was when you zip it up (at least in WinRar anyway) you can set it to zip it up, but with no compression. Obviously that would only really help if you just want to password protect your gear. Sorry I really didn't explain myself that well .
  19. Is it cool to use compression on your .pak file or do you zip it up uncompressed? Cheers!
  20. oooh Id love to have what he is saying spoken, I can't think of anyone who would do it though. It would sound terrible if I did it =). Last night I added a new type of lowering object that will be finalised soon, but I'll let ya work it out when your playing. Thanks again!
  21. Cheers Rick, I agree there is too many bridges. Currently I have only done 1 item that is effected by the lowering spell, there will have to be more variety (I just came up with an easy to implement idea just then). Also I have done other spells (raise, lock pick, illuminate, trigger) however they are not planned until later levels. As far as the tutorial windows go I could trim them down a bit text wise. The spell windows only happen once. The main game start one keeps the player in place before the game is fully loaded. I think it's an engine thing, but you can start walking at a super pace before the level is visible so the initial tutorial window is needed to disable the player. I can easily set the spell tutorial windows not to disable the player and have it vanish over time, I'll have a play around with it. I'll try and liven up the result window. Score bonuses are awarded in game, I should display them in a manner pleasing to the user. I'm not sure if I can get around to this before the 15th though, I'll try and add at least something however. I'll take a look to see how other games have done it, maybe add a star rating or something. I can't argue with any of your points Rick. Thanks heaps!
  22. Hi All, Welcome to my showcase for Mages Alchemy, a world where maths becomes the magic =). The time has come to release my first build of my game Mages Alchemy. For the last 8 months or more I have dedicated all my spare time to this title (-LECP). I feel it's time in the games development for some external testing and for your opinion on how the game has progressed so far, so I can decide where it will take me to the future. With the lead up to Christmas it is getting very hard for spare time, however I will do a indieDB listing soon. I might even give myself a little break. A special mention to Aggror who found a massive bug straight up after some testing. Although painful to fix, it would have been x1000 worse if that bug made it onto a public release. Thanks for your help as any help is appreciated. It's credit mention worthy for sure! Also thanks to the community members who have helped me get to this stage through forum help. I really hope you enjoy previewing the game! Current Release: Download v1.8.9 BETA (188 mb) Please note level 3 is a big WIP, it's in development and all over the place! However I made it available as it makes use of a new spell and can be used. It is impossible to finish this level at this point in time, so you will have to esc out. Beta video To get up do date on what it's about check out my earlier blog or my website... for those who care .... http://www.leadwerks...-mages-alchemy/ && http://www.bleedingc...om/MagesAlchemy
  23. Cheers STS, I think GetChar() could be what I'm after. I'll give it a test tonight. Thanks again!
  24. Hi guys, Is there a way to detect a KeyHit event which can be any keyboard key? (C++) Thanks in advance!
  25. The look and feel has changed a bit since the last screens I saw! Looks like you two have been hard at it since LECP =). It's looking great! I love a good puzzle game and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your progress in time. I think it's a good idea to be able to save at any time BTW. Keep it up!
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