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Posts posted by tjheldna

  1. Hmm if I set range in code I can get it to work but as for adjusting the values in the editor it doesn't do anything when in game.


    Is setting a closer range supposed to boost your fps as it has less to draw? I set it to a distance of 10 where pretty much nothing is drawn, however Didn't seem to have an impact. Sorry if I'm a bit OT with this.

  2. Hi Josh,


    I'm not sure if its a bug or an optimisation but here goes anyway.






    Ths attached water_mask.png file is a piece of stand in art for a GUI element in our game. Its pixel dimensions are large and doesn't reflect the end result in pixel size we will use, but it did help me notice the following.


    The attached water_mask.png dimensions are a large 2274 x 3200 with its actual file size 45.3kb it is the 1 colour (black) with alpha.


    - Drop the attached texture into the texture folder in the editors file system to have it converted to .tex


    - Browse to the texture in explorer and note that the texture is converted to a 5,462mb tex file


    - Open up the texture in the texture editor the settings default to DXT1 and mipmaps checked.


    - If I change the texture to Uncompressed and turn off mipmaps the texture size jumps to a massive 28,425mb.


    So is there a potential problem/optimisation here as the file size seems very large with and without compression settings above compared to the original png file?



  3. ->Models (selected and highlighted blue)




    With a filter selected and highlighted blue I am able to grab model1 (without the model highlighting) by clicking without releasing then dragging to another filter. If I do so nothing happens the model does not move. Sometimes I've had times where the 'no symbol' appears and dosent go away while doing this.

  4. If I have filters set out like this:









    If I decide to move the Foliage Filter to the Temp filter I will loose the trees and Plants filter.


    This only happens when there are not models in the filter being moved (Foliage only has Trees and Plants) only filters.



    I'm too scared to save the world to see if the contained models in the trees and plants filters are still there as i'm getting a little tired of loosing work, but going by the bugs previous bugs I recon they will be gone.


    I know i'm in the beta build, but it feels like there was little to no testing done with filters. Sorry but I'm a little disappointed atm and am really hoping they are fixed quickly.

  5. If you multiple select entities in the scene view about every 5-7th entity or so the editor will automatically go to it as you are selecting. It's a little random in the number in which it's happening, but keep CTRL selecting entities and this will happen.

    • Upvote 1
  6. This is following on from this discussion....




    If parenting prefabs to other prefabs it is not supported then it should not be possible to be able to do it in the editor. The cursor should change and not let you drop at the very least.


    Having to break a prefab connection just so they appear is backwards imo and I am constantly micro managing each prefab I place just to make sure it's connection is broken and appearing properly.



    Really really wish this would be possible.



    • Upvote 1
  7. If you have an entity which has children and have the parent selected and move to a different filter all is fine.


    If you have the parent selected AND the children selected then move filter you loose the parent any only the children are moved.


    I've found reloading the scene removes also the children too, probably because they are not actually there anymore.

  8. Hi Josh


    I have a house model and it's children are the items within it like cupboard models tv etc.


    If I decide I need to do more work on the house model and re export the parent house model Im loosing all the children i set.


    It's also deceptive as the children are still there in the editor, but reload the world and then there gone. This has to be fixed so that an new import of a model does not hose out out its children in the editor. it may not be much of an issue if there are 1 or 2 children but try 20-30 and now I have problems.


    To add as well, if I re-export a model its essential that the settings for it will be the same as the original i.e if i set the original collision 'scene' I want the re-export set to scene or check nav obstacle and re export over the top i'd like to keep that setting intact.

    • Upvote 1
  9. OK it's happening again. It appears to be when I duplicate boxes (every box pretty much was duplicated), re-saving the prefab. I'm also getting a considerable lag duplicating a box when editing this file. There are no groups in the scene that I've done.


    Here is the growing file:




    If you CTRL copy 1 more box in that file it crashes LE for me.

  10. This prefab file wont open and crashes the editor. If it's in a world the world crashes too. I was working on it, I think I was doing some undo's and bang no more editor and usable prefab file.




    What the prefab contains is a series of boxes done in the editor, I would guess it's around 30 or so boxes and the size of it uncompressed is 37mb, sounds quite large to me compared to what's in the file?

  11. It looks like the mip mapping is going down a level which blurs the textures a bit and is bluring with a white background. In this example to help avoid you need color the green passed your uv islands...


    Blue line = UV

    Dark green = your texture color

    Light green = background color




    First off this is a bad diagram, but you can see that I have colored the dark green passed the (blue) UV lines and anything around it is a similar green. If any blurring occurs due to distance it wont matter or will be hardly visible.


    I'll bet on your texture all unused parts of the texture are white and the diffuse coloring stops right on the edge of a UV island?


    Sorry this is a little hard to get across.

    • Upvote 2
  12. I'm having issues with the box brush when resized large.

    • Turn on view physics in the editor.
    • Create a Box
    • Resize the box larger than 22500cm
    • View in perspective view The collision turns into a wedge shape. The flawed collision follows through to a loaded game too.


    Not sure if this happens with other shapes too.



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