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Pixel Perfect

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Everything posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. Just a heads up. I have never found you need to modulate the velocity parameter to UpdateController with AppSpeed(). All my previous testing showed that any given constant value remains correct as you increase or decrease the framerate. This is about the only place I don't use it!
  2. Exactly, this is interesting. Thanks for posting tiridor.
  3. Congrats, this is looking great
  4. This is indeed the best guide to using Leadwerks I know. Serves as a great introduction and a handy reference for the future.
  5. I am finding that although the zip file encryption works fine with the weaker ZIP 2.0 compatible encryption it doesn't seem to work with the stronger 128-Bit AES encryption which is available in WinZip. Is this expected behavior, does the engine not support opening pak files with AES encryption?
  6. Looking forward to seeing a video assuming you manage to solve the issues. From what I've seen in the past FFT appears to give the most realistic looking waves. Nice work yet again!
  7. In a recent forum thread you quoted: Could you indicate to us existing LE2 users the period for which you intend to continue general maintenance (bug fixes) for LE2?
  8. A thread being repeatedly called ... you have multi-threading working in the engine?
  9. Debug output from LE3 running in android at approximately every 20ms which, if this is output per frame, means you are running at 100 fps! That would put a smile on my face. Hmm ... 50 even
  10. I did it using Fragmotion, not sure about UU3D
  11. I've seen someone do this before in Leadwerks using vertex color for the dirt
  12. You can run the Leadwerks engine using BlitzMax to load and render the sbx files, is that what you are meaning? You can't render the levels from an sbx file using just BlitzMax, at least not without writing a parser and handling all of the loading and rendering work yourself.
  13. Libs are ok until you need to do something they don't do, then you wish you'd written it yourself
  14. Yeah, this is where we really need 'Foot Placement' and IK. It gets quite complicated to get it looking even semi realistic for most situations! Chris Paulson did some nice work on this.
  15. Very nice, will be watching this
  16. Same here ... and apparently the chip on the shoulder of Linux fanboys is manufactured by AMD and not Intel ... fits the stereotype I guess
  17. Pity I don't use BMax. Nice of you to post it non the less NA. Will get round to writing something myself to enumerate the video modes eventually.
  18. There is a shininess slider that adjusts the amount of specular (shininess) in the terrain texture properties section of the Editor. You can adjust it (or turn it fuly off) with this.
  19. Looking great guys, I especially like the Leadwerks Basher
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