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Pixel Perfect

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Everything posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. Continue with your game development in LE2 Roland, as I am doing, and save yourself the outlay for LE3. Its not something we really need for the types of games and platform we are targeting and there is nothing LE2 is missing that can't be added by incorporating external modules. The truth is, for PC targeted game development, there is no need for LE3! Most of us will struggle to utilise all of LE2's capability as individual or small team developers. Sure it would be nice to have some additional features / functionality, but non of it is essential for most developers or in anyway a show stopper.
  2. I've stated all along that I had no interest in buying the initial version of LE3 as it was never going to deliver what I want from an engine, that's why I've stuck to development based on LE2. It's more than capable of making a huge range of good quality PC based games, especially if your prepared to integrate other third party modules. Once the 'fully fledged' version of LE3 appears and is proven to be stable then I'll consider it based on its merits at the time. I personally agree with Naughty Alien's earlier comments, that's good advice. For anyone wanting to make mobile based games though LE3 is looking good, will be interesting to see what the final price for the engine is though.
  3. If the roadmap remains unchanged the first drop of LE3 will not even have terrain.
  4. What is the brick texture file and extension in 3DWS? Are you trying to use the proprietary texture formats that 3DWS uses which no one else supports. Is the texture file being exported along with the X file? Sorry, but I'm not familiar with XNA although I can pretty much see what the code is doing. However, the X file must reference a full and valid texture filename and one supported by XNA.
  5. Presumably the bit you need to add is the extension of the texture used on the exported object, so it's whatever texture came with the model you imported in the first place. I'm not sure why the texture filename is missing the extension in the exported file, other than from my memory of the 3DWS file format Josh disgards the extensions so maybe that's what's happened here, I'm not sure.
  6. People have sometimes done this when they have not been able to download them ... that is ... they are not licenced developers just members and are blocked from downloading. They shouldn't be able to flag them as broken if they don't have permission to download them.
  7. Here is some toggle code I did for mouse buttons ( I knew I had some somewhere but it was a long time back): void updateMouseCommands(void) { bLeftMouseButtonClicked = false; bRightMouseButtonClicked = false; if(MouseDown(1)) { bLeftMouseButtonDown = true; bLeftMouseButtonDownToggle = true; } else { bLeftMouseButtonDown = false; } if(MouseDown(2)) { bRightMouseButtonDown = true; bRightMouseButtonDownToggle = true; } else { bRightMouseButtonDown = false; } if(bLeftMouseButtonDownToggle && !bLeftMouseButtonDown) { bLeftMouseButtonClicked = true; bLeftMouseButtonDownToggle = false; } if(bRightMouseButtonDownToggle && !bRightMouseButtonDown) { bRightMouseButtonClicked = true; bRightMouseButtonDownToggle = false; } } This allows you to then conditionally switch based on the values of bRightMouseButtonClicked and bLeftMouseButtonClicked
  8. Mike is right, you probably also need to check for the key release before toggling the variable
  9. Are you assigning the initial questionscreen = false in the game loop? It needs to be outside of the game loop or it will reset it every iteration of the loop (i.e. every frame). So: Initialise the variable Game loop: Test for Esc Key and set variable appropriately Test variable and act appropriately End of loop.
  10. Ah I misunderstood, in that case as you say ... No
  11. As far as I'm aware yes, if you have changed the normals then it should import them as they are. Yes, Leadwerks supports a LOD system where the parent file is called mymodel.gmf and the subsequent LOD versions would be called mymodelLOD1.gmf, mymodelLOD2.gmf and so on. This distances between the various LODs can be configured. No. Leadwerks comes with some nice shaders but there is no semi automated shader design facility. It uses GLSL based shaders (OpenGL) so should support any third party tools that output these. It has a good terrain system but no, you are not forced to use it. You can design you terrain in another modelling app and import it as a mesh, the only downside is you cannot then use the vegetation system or terrain based textures on it. Hope this helps answer your questions.
  12. Thats the same answer I gave (GetModuleFileNameA is just the ANSI version), but glad its working anyway
  13. That's an interesting problem. I use getcwd but have never started the executable by dragging and dropping a file onto it. You might try the WIN32 API GetModuleFileName() or GetModuleFileNameEx() functions.
  14. I think you could also probably set the material on the weapon to ignore the z order and always draw over the top. Simply expanding the radius of the controller to encompass the weapon could cause other issues like the inability to fit through narrow door ways
  15. That's probably the best answer anyone could give unless Josh chooses to respond to this. I don't believe we have the ability via the API to enumerate and chose a graphics card from several on the system. This is all handled internally in the Leadwerks engine and I have no idea how Josh has coded the handling of multiple graphics devices.
  16. I'd love to try this too, thanks again for all your work on this.
  17. This is effectively circumventing the protection put into the evaluation version to prevent people continuously using it. A months trial is sufficient for anyone who is seriously considering whether to buy the engine or not. I'm sorry but if you wish to continue to receive support then please buy a full licence!
  18. Hi nakof, you appear to have been using the evaluation version of Leadwerks for nearly three months now ... you sure you're not using an illegal copy of the SDK?
  19. Use one of the following functions: C: void EntityColor( TEntity entity, TVec4 &color, int recursive=0 ) C++: void Entity::SetColor( const TVec4& color, int recursive=0 )
  20. That would be metaphorically speaking 'the icing on the cake'. Not quite there, as you say, but not far off. Amazing! I can see LE3 adopting this!
  21. Yeah, I understood what he was saying and the reasons why. But Josh managed to make objects bob in the water following the wave movement. I can't imagine he was modulating the plane using the CPU as I'm pretty sure it was shader driven but I was hoping he might shed some light on how he achieved this. You could throw barrels or wood into the sea and they moved with the waves, so the physics engine was picking that data up from somewhere.
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