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Pixel Perfect

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Everything posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. Still a million times better than I could manage. Keep up the good work
  2. Josh might need to comment on this as his example worked with buoyancy but then I have no idea how his was implemented.
  3. Really nice work shadmar. This is just looking better and better! If buoyancy is set then no reason why not. ref: SetBodyBuoyancyMode
  4. There is also a nice little utility developed by Marleys Ghost in the asset store which allows you to scale static gmf meshes and save the scaled results back to the file: GMF static mesh viewer scaler
  5. You know, I never noticed the double knees till you pointed that out! Going to have to look at the Mrs now
  6. Tried this on my old PC today (Pentium4 with 1Gb of RAM and 3850 AGP card) and it runs beautifully averaging between 22 and 25 fps at 1360 x 768. I'll try it on my main development PC later. I really like the look and feel of this, with the amount of fog I think the bright sky works even though the ground level looks dark and moody with that slightly de-saturated high contrast look. That combined with the background music makes it really atmospheric. Where are you hoping to go with this? What's the intended game play?
  7. Yeah, this is looking and sounding pretty cool!
  8. It's where you effectively blend one animation into another by progressively adding more weight to the new animation as time goes by. The two animations are interpolated all the way through the process based on the weightings which effectively results in say a walk animation smoothly morphing into a run animation. You've probably seen something similar in adverts where they make one persons face change into another then another. You can in fact blend more than two animations together simultaneously and layered systems for doing this are common in game engines.
  9. Thats ok for a constant speed but when accelerating its almost impossible to calc the required motion as its constantly changing whilst accelerating. You notice this most when blending from one motion to another for example idle to walk or walk to run. Sure, there is no perfect system, all systems have their advantages and disadvantages. I can override my system at any time and under certain circumstances do so. As designers we tend to design and refine our mechanics to reflect what we need to do.
  10. Exactly Roland, let the animation drive the motion. I use bones in the feet to measure the distance moved per animation and apply that. Good bye to foot skating and it also works beautifully when blending animations, which is almost impossible to calculate otherwise as its constantly changing in the initial frames. Animation movement is then directly linked to the animation speed and always in sync. The NPC in this video I posted some time back demonstrates this technique in action: kingdom of soul path finding and animation demo
  11. Your basic outline sounds good but I don't have any experience of implementing plugin architecture. Hopefully others do and can contribute. Certainly this needs some careful concideration as if you get this right it could be a very powerful feature and selling point.
  12. Look at the wiki entry on Input These commands give you access to the keyboard and mouse. Once you can detect the mouse buttons then the rest should be straight forward.
  13. If I were you I'd learn as much as I can from the existing setup scripts but to be honest, if you really want to understand the mechanics of setting up a car, just experiment as much as you can with all the variables and possibilities until you really understand how each function affects the car physics. Code and test and observe, alter code and retest and observe. That sort of understanding (i.e NO SHORTCUTS) will give you a solid foundation to move forwards on and will inevitably produce a better end result. Yes its going to take some time but it will always be worth it in the long run.
  14. The best advise I can give is don't worry about such things just now. Most people will struggle to even complete the coding of their game engine and game using a high level language. If you are worrying about which bits should be optimised using assembler at this early stage then you are either a genius or have possibly lost sight of the bigger picture Write good quality high level code and If sections of your code need optimising you can do that later once all the other obstacles have been overcome.
  15. Hi Schwemsler. Assets require you to be a licensed owner of Leadwerks. Once you have purchased a license and have been elevated to the forum status of Developer you will be able to download these things.
  16. There is some benefit in using inlined assember code where the application really requires as Lord Hippo points out but you really need to know what you are doing as Brent indicated. Also, assembler is directly tied to your CPU family so you would need seperate code for each CPU family you intend running it on.
  17. Many thanks for this, have downloaded the shader and will try it out
  18. Absolutely ... should be included in the SDK if you ask me!
  19. Good point Mike, takes a submariner to know that Regarding your issue Cassius, if the bottom of your pools are at 0 height then it's not possible to make them any lower. When planning levels with water in I tend to raise the initial terrain height to 5m or 10m by setting the minimum height in the terrain page and using the flatten tool. In that way I have some room to dig down afterwards.
  20. Thank you Roland for the link to Aggror's Leadwerks User Guide. This was the document I referred witawat to in another post but had no idea where it was. 3D Artwork !!! No wonder I can never find anything on this site
  21. Good work, it's little touches like this that make all the difference!
  22. It's given as a XFX Radeon HD6970 XXX in his profile
  23. What resolution are you rendering at ?
  24. I don't have delphi or any pascal compiler for that matter, so I can't test it. If Leadwerks.pas is part of that download then you probably need to talk to WChris. Are you sure your development (IDE) environment is set up properly and can access all of the necessary files?
  25. You clearly have an incorrect code sequence as it has raised a Syntax error. You might want to post the code if you can't find the error. Does your editor not highlight the line with the error?
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