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Pixel Perfect

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Everything posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. Maybe I'm showing my ignorance here but given it's a pre-animated skeleton won't moving the joints result in the animation no longer working properly? You could scale the whole skeleton I think and get away with it but not move individual joints without having to redo the animation, but then you might as well just scale the model to fit as Josh suggested (given the limitation that the ratio of the models dimensions pretty much need to mirror the skeletons). There is no problem moving bones / joints if all you are doing is rigging and subsequently animating it afterwards, but that's not the case here!
  2. That's a really good point and definitely worth considering!
  3. Wow! That's brilliant. I'm sure a lot of people will be very grateful. Many thanks for your effort and for making this available once its complete.
  4. Excellent, this is a great addition!
  5. I don't think that explains why the files are on occasions failing to load! Ken reported a similar issue to this here: http://www.leadwerks...__fromsearch__1
  6. In answer to your question though Larry, I think there would be a market for nice hi res texture packs if you get the pricing right. Your work looks very high quality!
  7. I use mainly photographic material as the source texture and combinations of Texture Maker, Gimp and Shader Map Pro to make them seamless, adjust the lighting for an even distribution, remove obvious repeating patterns and any other small adjustments that might be required and produce bump maps etc. I find the quality is very much determined by the front end quality of the source material though, get that right and the rest is easier to get right. I then export and convert to DDS with faded mip maps. Here's a ground texture I recently made as an example, displayed in the leadwerks editor :
  8. They all look pretty nice, I'd like to see them tiled over a terrain though so see how seamless they look, preferably in Leadwerks. Like you, I make a lot of my own textures and I get pretty good results on the whole.
  9. Well, you could draw a series of images representing the different positions in a health bar and display the corresponding one each time using the same code giving it the appearance for being dynamic or actually fill the pixels directly. Leadwerks has a command for doing this Plot(int x, int y) but it's pretty slow, using OpenGL directly might be better for this. Or, use a third party GUI interface. Patte has released such a library recently but there are other examples of integrations about too. Just a few ideas!
  10. Marley's reply on first glance may seem harsh but I would completely agree with him. Just being handed solutions to requirements you have really teaches you nothing. Research, understand, code and test will get you to where you need to be and will make any future modification of your own code easy, as you completely understand it. Believe me ... you will end up modifing and refining your code so many times as you progress you'll lose count Good luck with the model conversions Dennis. UU3D is a great tool for what is really such a small investment.
  11. +1 ... whilst I appreciate you probably don't want to start redesigning elements of LE2 Josh; it would be nice to see a better solution for this as it's currently far too restrictive.
  12. You are doing some very cool things with your engine Franck. Great work!
  13. Surely we have all noticed the differences in our editors/games with SSDO turned on and off; even if its hard to tell the difference between the various illustrations presented. The fact that LordHippo's is almost twice as fast as our current one is in itself of huge benefit is it not!
  14. There is a text file included with each pack which defines the animations along with a load of other parameters. All you need are the start and end frame numbers for the animations you are interested in and feed those through to the animate command. Worth checking out the Leadwerk's tutorial on animation first so you understand the basics before attempting to modify existing code.
  15. Although less smooth this took all of 5 minutes in the 2.5 Leadwerks Editor and shows what you could do if you spent a bit more time. You obviously have much more control in a modelling app but this could produce a reasonable approximation:
  16. I got a quite similar appearance to this once Rick when importing some geo height map data and getting the scaling wrong. Admittedly it was not raised up into mountains like this but it could easily have been by raising larger areas with the terrain tools. I'd imagine you could also get some similar type effects using the turbulence tools originally provided with the editor (and subsequently dropped). Otherwise, its as people have already suggested. You'd need to model it in a modelling app.
  17. Have downloaded both the lib and the source code and would like to thank you for the work you have put into this Patte and for making it freely available. Will be trying it out as soon as I've finished the current work I'm doing.
  18. I'm guessing that their simulation of drag is a very simple one and makes a lot of assumptions. I suspect you might wait some time before anyone answers this post Andy, you might be better just experimenting or posting on a physics based forum / thread where your more likely to attract the people who might be able to shed some light on this.
  19. Pixel Perfect

    Model Tools

    Yep, that's the advantage of indexing and what made database technology possible. With smaller quantities the cost of a sequential n*n search would not be significant but the cost rises substantially as the numbers grow.
  20. With C# it certainly has, can you point us at a C++ implementation because I'd be interested in that too!
  21. Not that I've ever seen although MasterXilo did release some code for changing the graphics resolution in game which I seem to remember used a custom buffer so you might glean some useful info from that. Whisper may have done something with managed code and windows forms but it's so long ago I can't remember exactly.
  22. Interestingly, whilst playing Skyrim the other day I experimented with decals by scorching the path in front of me. I was able to literally put down over 500 decals before I got bored of doing so with seemingly no noticeable reduction in frame speed. Why is it so low cost in their engine and so high cost in ours?
  23. That makes a lot of sense to me Dan and is certainly how it's been done in the example I have; and it seems to work really well. I would not pretend to have much experience of modelling and animating so this is all new territory for me but interesting non the less.
  24. Hmmm ... did you read any of what I've been describing YouGroove. This is an existing model that comes as a demo model with the rest of the lip sync software. I had no choice in the .x format as that is what was provided and besides, as I previously stated, this is fixed and now working! Thanks for the input but it seems somewhat uninformed and irrelevant now.
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