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Pixel Perfect

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Everything posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. The logic should be quite simple but making your trees look like they are growing realistically is the tricky part. If you could procedurally generate your tree trunks, branches and foliage then that would produce the best approximation, using maybe a fractal type algorithm. Conversely you could substitute in a series of pre sized models over time or simply scale a small model over time (wouldn't look very realistic). A different approach would be forget the models all together and use a billboard with a video of a tree growing and eventually dying (if you can find or make such a thing), these could be spawned easily and simply run through their life cycle. Not really sure how detailed and realistic you want this to be.
  2. Pixel Perfect


    Hi Aria, great to have you aboard
  3. Good luck Clackdor, it's a long and arduous learning curve but an ultimately enjoyable experience. If you follow Rick's and others advice combined with your own intent to learn enough about all key aspects of game design (a good choice in my opinion) then you will be well on your way to eventually having the skills and knowledge to develop simple games yourself and manage a team to develop bigger ideas.
  4. Same basic findings here. I added the stats to the program and the draw time was approaching 21mS when I had 100 decals on the screen. This decreases as you move away from the decals and increases again as you aproach them.
  5. Excellent, that is actually recognisably Karnack. Might have to take a look at Google 3D Warehouse myself.
  6. That's an interesting suggestion macklebee. I'll give that a try tonight. Thanks. [EDIT] Worked a treat mate ... many thanks
  7. Hi franck and thanks. Yeah, I've failed to find any exposure of these in the C API so I guess I'll just have to parse it, was hoping to avoid that.
  8. Is there any way to access the following terrain properties from the C DLL or do I have to parse the sbx file to obtain these: altitude meterspertile
  9. Congratulations, I was only able to watch a small bit of the video as my only link to the forum is via a phone whilst on holiday. Looks like a good job though
  10. Send me a PM paramecij, it needs to be quick as I'm off on holiday for two weeks as of Saturday
  11. No, its just easier in some ways with CSG and Josh has expertise in that area. But I fail to see, as Paul pointed out earlier, how a comprehensive solution can be provided by just having it available for CSG modeled content.
  12. Virtually no one has a working game engine yet capable of demoing even the most basic of games but we spend time arguing over having to have dynamic breakable object functionality. Believe me, there are more important things to be doing with our time
  13. I can't pretend that Leadwerks Engine 2 is a very memorable or descriptive name and yet we all have very positive associations with it which is purely down to familiarity The name is in many respects irrelevant so long as the product is impressive. Then it simply helps if the name is memorable. Most people initially will come across the engine by searching for game engines or references to it in game development forums and what's important at that stage is not the name but more the fact that the product ticks all the boxes. If it does, or certainly enough of them then people will remember the name. Sometimes a totally unrelated name can be just as effective. No name alone has ever led me to to buy a product. It's what people say about the named product, the demos and the specifications that are likely to make me buy it.
  14. That's exactly how I did it with the exploding barrel video I posted on YouTube (which is probably the video you were referring to BES). The reason the crates weren’t destroyed is simply the fact that I hadn't modeled the broken parts for the crates at that point. The code handles destruction of any object into any number of bits so long as you provide a configuration file pointing at one at one to many broken part files. All the physics is handled automatically along with the propagation forces to trigger secondary destruction and any associated animations/emitters to be run concurrently. This technique will always have limited use as a lot of work needs to go into the front end modeling but any tools that can help with this process, such as the ones being highlighted, or better still enable it to be done dynamically have got to be a huge plus! I never delved any further into this as it seemed to move things out of the realm of the average indie developer and more into the domain of the big game studios with their huge resources.
  15. That's certainly an interesting connection you've forged there Josh! I agree that it probably isn't a good reason in itself for going with PhysX but certainly worth consideration as ties like that can prove quite valuable in the longer term.
  16. Leadwerks3D is a nice concise name and I like it. It doesn't convey any real sense of what it is ... but neither did Leadwerks Engine 2. I guess most people will come across it in the context of a game engine search, a reference somewhere or better still plastered across the latest game they bought and loved so much .... so it’s probably irrelevant.
  17. I'm really glad you've had a change of heart on this Josh and yes, I don't really care how its implemented so long as it allows us to add functionality. Your suggested methodology looks a good one so it's a big 'thumbs up' from me. I have no issues with the timing of this as I don't feel there is any need for it in early releases of the engine. isn't that what makes Leadwerks stand out from the crowd
  18. That looks like a really good integration, congratulations!
  19. You need to include the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package with your project or at least include the files in your project executable directory or they won't run on any PCs that don't have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 installed. The level looks great though VeTaL. Glad you got the lighting issue sorted!
  20. Welcome to the Leadwerks community Cor.
  21. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'nothing happened'. Do you mean it died instantly ?
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