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Pixel Perfect

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Everything posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. I had this happen in one of my levels with 17 marines when I inadvertently altered my animation control code and broke the frame control. It is really funny to watch
  2. Nice work both of you Very impressive. In answer to you comment Richard regarding the terrain editor, although it is awesome the fact that it's based on height maps means it can't do overhangs or arches etc. Looks like Sculptris could be really useful for modelling that sort of feature and used to embellish the Leadwerks terrains!
  3. How expensive is all the locking though? For any process that does a lot without using LE commands I could see this as being advantageous but otherwise will it end up being any more efficient at all? Interesting work by you and Lazlo though!
  4. Pixel Perfect

    Dat Cave

    Now I can see it I have to agree, that is excellent.
  5. Pretty cool ... Unity is expanding at an exponential rate these days
  6. Thats a really interesting link Flexman! From what I can ascertain their tool simply exports a set of phoneme data in the form of a sequence and in theory I see no reason why this couldn't work in Leadwerks if someone looks into the example Dark Basic code and writes the neccessary code to translate that into animation sequences. Of course you need to modify your existing models to have the necessary bones in the head but they provide video instruction to illustrate that. Having talking animated characters would be such a plus!
  7. Screenshot looks great Aily .. looking forward to trying this when I get back from work
  8. Thanks for the feedback. Yes, QueryPerformanceCounter has well documented issues. I guess as most people tend to reboot their systems on a daily basis issues with timings beyond that period would be less of an issue, but I'd still like to hear the outcome of your findings once complete.
  9. I suspect he is referring to the fact that whilst many people have demoed game play of various types in Leadwerks no one has yet finished and published a full game. It certainly doesn't fill me with dread nor do I think it's a bad reflection on Leadwerks or its community; but more a fact that this is still a relatively new engine and has tended to attract a higher percentage of artists than programmers maybe due to the way it excels on the graphics front. It takes some programming capability to develop AI, good game flow logic, advanced animation control and path finding solutions which are the main factors holding back most peoples realisation of any thing but the simplest of games. You need good programming capability as part of your team to compliment the artists which is of course true of any engine. Imho, Leadwerks 2 is a very capable game engine API, certainly the nicest I have ever used, and I wouldn't let the current lack of a published game deter you in any way. It also has a very open and honest community, hence we can openly discuss issues such as this!
  10. That's right, you need to apply the same mass, force etc to your NPCs as you do your Player if you want them to be reasonably matched.
  11. I'm using version 2.43 and have had no issues with animating characters, so I'm guessing it’s something other than a version issue. With regard to the UU3D policy, I really find it bizarre in this day and age that people are restricting software sales in this way and sympathize with you as it's a great tool and is my main pipeline for Leadwerks.
  12. I suffer from the same limitations of using 'off the shelf' purchased animations. Far better to work with an animator as part of a team to provide custom animations tailored for the game. You can blend the top and bottom half of animations and use procedural animation to get round this to a certain extent but it's never going to work as well as having them specifically designed.
  13. People should not be so sensitive. If people want to post comparisons between languages then it's natural you are going to get feedback and it might not all be supportive. Or do we all want to go round with blinkers on:
  14. Sounds great. I really like the concept art and the overall outline of the game with its focus on realism. Looking forward to seeing and hearing more!
  15. Yep, that’s fine, so long as officially supported functionality is reflected in the officially supported API then it matters not where the code was sourced from, so long as it works and is shown to do so. I'm all for community based innovation.
  16. No disrespect, but I'd rather these functions were part of the official release. If Josh point blank refuses to do so then a community solution would be welcome but I think he should have the chance to comment on this first. This is the second suggestion I've seen for custom community solutions and DLL releases and if we are not careful this could all get a bit messy!
  17. Yeah, tried this a while back with my nVidea driver as my copy of Batman Arkham Asylum came with a set of coloured 3D glasses. It was really impressive but I found I couldn't watch anything for more than about half an hour before my eyes started to hurt. I tried Batman, Stalker COP, Mass Effect, Dreamfall and Crysis! Never tried any Leadwerks. The modern shutter glasses are way better people tell me (much clearer 3D effects) and you can use those for hours with no bad effects
  18. This has been requested many times before. Always seems to be ignored, never understood why!
  19. I used one in the early days of Leadwerks, just placed it in the background world, scaled and textured it and that was pretty much it. Skyboxes seem to exhibit less distortion though. Why the particular interest in a skydome?
  20. That's as much as I could expect ... excellent
  21. I agree, I suspect that a stable fully featured LE3 is still a year away and would expect LE2 to be sold and maintained for at least a year after that. However, buying the source code is I guess our only absolute long term guarantee of being able to enhance the current product! It would be nice to have a definitive statement from Josh on future support for LE2.
  22. Excellent .... many thanks for trying that, that will do nicely
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