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Pixel Perfect

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Everything posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. Looking great! My only recommendation would be to do something about the right angle turns in the main character animation... smooth them out a bit it's too sharp at the moment. Great atmosphere to the game though. I look forward to seeing more from your project.
  2. Looking great Kevin ... can't wait to see the 100%
  3. Yes this will work but you are restricted to the choices Josh has made on what is passed to the shaders from the framework and use of buffers etc, developing your own renderer or using the framewerk (note the use of the word werk rather than work) where you have access to the source code gives much more flexability. It really depends on what you are looking to do, if nothing advanced then this is by far the simplest way! Either way ... good luck!
  4. I just swapped out an animated character in my test level for another rigged with the same skeleton and animations and as soon as gun is parented to the hand it gets magnified about 20 times .. it's bigger than the buildings now lol. The animated character works perfectly in game and is scaled correctly, but adding the same gun model that worked correctly with the previous animated model results in a massive scaling of the weapon. Looks like a similar issue to ones previously discussed in this tread. I'm using 2.31 currently. Is this now fixed in 2.32r5?
  5. You can base your renderer around framewerk (which you can modify) rather than the encapsulated (DLL) framework but at the cost of losing Lua script support as that uses framework. If your not using Lua then that's no loss.
  6. This is an example of a simple waterfall I did last august using a series for alpha textures taken from some video footage and sequencing them to a simple plane. The video was taken from a hand held camera so there is a bit of shake on it but the technique works well enough and has little to no impact on fps. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDOGHtVlpbg
  7. I don't know if this is specified in the EULA or not but I guess only Josh can answer this. If he doesn't reply directly to this post then I'd email him if I were you.
  8. I busy working on my AI routines using my Leadwerks editor which is currently running 2.31 (which has so far proved very stable). I have no intension of moving up to 2.32 any time soon as I have enough to do without breaking things again. Not saying that 2.32 would definitely do that ... but I'm not taking the risk! I voted for 'No .. it sounds like a waste of time' simply because I have no need for this myself, not because it sounds like a waste of time. If others find this useful then that's a good thing!
  9. Congratulations ... thats great news!
  10. The crowd is assembled around the ring and the atmosphere thick as the two contestants prepare to battle it out. In the left corner we have Red October with his Game Objects and in the right corner we have Rick and Co with their Game Components. The crowd goes silent and you can cut the tension with a knife as the ref gestures the two into the centre of the ring. The bell rings, the crowd roars and the battle commences ..... Will be interesting to see who goes the distance here
  11. I already have thousands of lines of code in my project now but I'm not finding it too difficult to manage, but then I'm used to dealing with large code bases as our main product at work has over a million lines of code. However, I do find the component methodologies being discussed here of interest but don't currently have the time to look into it and experiment. Maybe once I've achieved what I set out to and have some more time on my hands I'll take a look at this in more detail. At that point I'll also have a much better idea of what’s needed to make a complete game which might give me a better insight for a redesign using other methods. Good luck to all of you looking to implement this type of design though, I'll watch with interest!
  12. Likewise, you seem to be doing some amazing things here NA! I'd love to know a bit more detail on this.
  13. lol... I know and besides, I think my game requires something a little more interactive than this But it's an essential component of the presentation so I just thought credit where credits due Works really well, very impressive level design Michael. A nice showcase for Leadwerks technology!
  14. Yeah ... good luck Lumooja. It's nice when things start to come together like that!
  15. Ah great ... I've been looking forward to this. Thanks Mike and of course the 'Leadwerks Corporation' for the brand new visualization application!
  16. Very realistic ... great work!
  17. That sounds really good, and excellent news on Aggror doing the documentation (that's assuming he accepts).
  18. The expression 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth' comes to mind! This is extremely generous of NA to offer as I know how long this would take me to document with examples and that's without having to convert it to another language. Apart from that Lua is also probably unsuitable for certain elements of this due to speed restrictions. Are we any closer to seeing all this in action in a clip from your game though NA? Yours appears to be by far the most advanced game in production (certainly that I'm aware of) and I'm really looking forward to seeing some real footage
  19. Because the new approach/ direction, like it or not, is about producing a framework to allow for functional objects that artistic people can just drag and drop into their Editors and have do wonderful things! Apparently programmers can't make games and the grand scheme sees them relegated to simply producers of semi intelligent objects that the truly gifted can use for their game designs! The jury is out on just how effective this will be in the long term but it sells lots of licences Already a whole generation of 2.0+ Leadwerk users are all just biding their time before parting with the next handful of cash based on the belief that this time it will deliver a true drag and drop game design capability despite claims to the contrary. To be fair, I don't blame anyone trying to make a living out of selling game engines from going down this route. The majority of people they need to sell engines to in order to survive are mainly just playing at it ... it's a recreational past time as opposed to a serious endeavour. People who do have the capability to produce finished games of note are not the main market place as they are two low in number to keep the developer in business. Josh has retained the programming API so capable programmers are unaffected on the whole and able to write whatever they need as additional functionality and tools. Likewise, the talented artists have a great editor facility for prototyping and showing off their designs. It's only where either decides they somehow don't need the other that the line of credibility is crossed. The developer will always try to appease that middle ground as it's by far the largest in terms of occupants and you can produce simple games that way. So long as he does so without affecting the minority then that’s great! Personally I've totally ignored LUA so far as I have no need for it and may never have. Please excuse my cynicism but I firmly believe that on the whole great games come out of an equal partnership of good programmers and talented artists working in co-operation! Very occasionally those two reside in a single person (unfortunately not in my case B) ). These programmers will hand craft their own engines and the artists will hand craft the assets and both will input into the creative process. As to your decision Red ... good luck to you. It seems quite valid given your project so long as nothing trips you up further down the line as that version is unsupported as you know.
  20. I have had some issues with this engine as people here will know but I am, I like to believe, fair in my criticism. To compare this engine to Dark Basic is frankly laughable as I will testify to having used both DBPro and DarkGDK. Leadwerks may lack high end tools but for it's price is a beautifully constructed game engine SDK more than capable of producing high end output if you're prepared to put the work in. In conclusion I simply fail to recognise your overall description and opinion of Leadwerks. It sounds like someone who has either not used it or is incapable of appreciating what they have in front of them! Again I would mirror Macklbee's request for evidence of work you have done to justify such criticism.
  21. No worries, I though it should have just hadn't actually tried that before!
  22. It is by purists, but I actually never use anything else with vectors and have never run into a problem. You obviously need to be aware of what you are doing and the bounds of the vector. A poor coder will make mistakes no matter what you do to try and prevent them in my experience
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