If you are feeling masochistic, which I often do, I recommend Vim. I don't recommend Vim to beginners but to people who are really serious about editing their code. Vim and Emacs are the 'true' text editors. Modal editing is vastly more productive. This should be contrasted with modesty and the fact that solving problems is infinitely more time consuming then typing things.
I am a web developer by day. My main weapons are Ruby and Javascript. I deal with haml, coffeescript, sass, scss, markdown and many other texty things. The truth is outside of a decent debugger and syntax highlighting your editor doesn't give you much in a dynamic language. When it does I will have a real choice on my hands but... until then I will take all of the speed I can get. If you master vim you are faster at what you do. It took me a year. It sucked.
The amount of Java/.Net web programmers minds I have blown by hacking in vim is kind of awesome.
Gary Bernhardt is probably the most amazing vim user I have scene. He blows my mind how fast he is. http://blog.extracheese.org/2010/11/screencast-custom-vim-refactorings.html
My vim settings are at my github account https://github.com/friesencr/vim-settings