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  1. Thank you for your Answers.. I have tried it now to add the Import Command: Now the COmpiler says: Compile Error: Identifier 'TFramework' not found Build Error: failed to compile C:/Leadwerks Engine SDK/BMX/Framework/commands.bmx The Error occurs in Line: Function SetWater(mode:Int) TFramework.Current.renderer.SetWater(mode) EndFunction ...in the commands.bmx I have not found any documntations, books or more advanced tutorials for leadwerks with blitzmax. Do you some Documents?
  2. Hi I have downloaded the Demo Version of the Leadwerks Engine an wanted to test it with blitzmax. So i also wanted to test out the water: setwater(1) but the compiler says: Compile Error: Identifier 'setwater' not found Build Error: failed to compile But most other fuctions are working, such as lightning, physics,... Can you tell me please how it works with blitzmax?
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