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  1. and to access the to the forum? I send a email to Josh this friday, yet he did not answer me.. =/
  2. Gard


    but is not heavier? Because of DirectX, as far as I know, even create 2d images (which can not rotate), is heavier than create sprites with the texture of the image...
  3. Gard


    but if draw with DrawImage(), it automatically draws the sprites? Or use OpenGl functions for drawing 2d images?
  4. im using the Leadwerks Engine Evaluation Kit 2.3, and exporting with a plugin for max, to export for .gmf format...
  5. Hello All... I'm having a little problem in make the vegetation. I did the following:i Created a model, exported, and loaded in the engine as "model" normally, as ".gmf". Then i got the same model, and put in other folder, but renamed with the sulffix "vegetation", but when loading in the engine, they were with the scale different, and vegetations that do not have to be scaled as common models. Anyone any idea why this is happening, and how solve?? In this image, is showing the situation. The left tree, is a tree created with the vegetation, and the right tree, is a tree creted as Game Model Format..
  6. or you can create in file Lua, a function to make this: Verify the camera to model distance, and Free Entity model, and load a sprite with texture of model, like a billboard...but improvised..
  7. Hello all..I need help in the following problems: I Create a plane model, and i would like to apply the Ocean Shader on it. I see the example "Rendering_water' write in c++, and i try convert to Lua. But i'm having some diffuculties, for example, in the time to switch the buffers, to access the main camera, to access the Framwerk, and this things. Where i can put this script, in the own script model, or in the main file script?? If someone could give-me some example, i would be grateful...
  8. try this: texture0="abstract::decal.dds" blend=1 depthtest=1 overlay=1 zsort=1 castshadows=0 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse.frag"
  9. I see the file: "Models\Vegetation\Trees\Beech\tree_beech_a.ini", and change the parameters "LODDistance="20 140"", but i had no results.. omid3098: i can't view this link, because, i'm the group Members. I still do not have the license..
  10. Hello all.. How can i set the distance Lod models?? Without is in programation. Only in script, or parameters in the file .ini. Is there anyway?
  11. The reason for all, is very visible. All of the ambient settings of the Maya(lights, Ambient Lights, textures..) is very diferent of the engine. How the josh says, you need create a ambient light dark in the engine, as this in Maya. Add a specularmap, to dont burst the lighting in model, and disable the bloom and the Hdr, which the Maya dont have.
  12. Thanks everbody for answers. I will do some simple tests, to see how will the FPS. Anything a post here. Thanks (:
  13. Hello all.. What would be the ideal language to create a game in leadwerks? C + +, Lua or BlitzMax? Ask in matter of performance. Thanks (:
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