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  1. Elmar


    Must I set entities only with code? Can't I do it with mouse? I want to pull entity with mouse and set it to my scene.
  2. Elmar


    I want to write programm as following: To create the framework. To set the background to this framework. To add, remove, copy the mesh when program is running. General question: Can I add, remove, copy the mesh when program is running? If yes, how?
  3. I want to create a virtual walk in the my scene. Then when I click on which model, in the other place (for example in the other framework) there will open only 3d view of my model (not scene).
  4. I only want create second framework in my program. Does not anyone know about this?
  5. I would like test my program with each 3 ways...
  6. So when i debug my program there is openning one window and I can virtual walk in my scene. I want that when i click on my mesh there are open another window. In the future I plan to show the same model in the second window.
  7. I already picked the mesh. I must only create the second window.
  8. Elmar

    Onclick event

    Thanks a lot. I did as you say.
  9. I want to create the second window when I pick the mesh. How can I do it?
  10. Elmar

    Onclick event

    I don't enter my models with code(I do load from .sbx file). I gather my models in the scene and I only display my scene with code. Is that possible to pick that meshs? If yes, how? Thanks
  11. Elmar

    Onclick event

    Now my problem is connected with functions. Which functions can i use for selecting model and creating onclick select?
  12. Elmar

    Onclick event

    What are equivalent functions in the engine.h?
  13. Elmar

    Onclick event

    There are occuries error. GetPick and Setcolor functions are not found. What is the problem?
  14. Elmar

    Onclick event

    How i can do so that, mouse is display? I create controller without displaying mouse..
  15. Elmar

    Onclick event

    But how can i do this with C++? Who know?
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