I want to write programm as following:
To create the framework. To set the background to this framework. To add, remove, copy the mesh when program is running.
General question: Can I add, remove, copy the mesh when program is running? If yes, how?
I want to create a virtual walk in the my scene. Then when I click on which model, in the other place (for example in the other framework) there will open only 3d view of my model (not scene).
So when i debug my program there is openning one window and I can virtual walk in my scene. I want that when i click on my mesh there are open another window. In the future I plan to show the same model in the second window.
I don't enter my models with code(I do load from .sbx file). I gather my models in the scene and I only display my scene with code. Is that possible to pick that meshs? If yes, how?