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  1. Reaper2


    Awosome thanks for the great feedback. I will have to look into some of this and see what happens. I never even thought to check the portal commentary, and this sounds a lot more workable than what I was thinking of trying which would be to have the charecter terminated as its position matched a certain location with the portal and than have it created at the other portal but I figured it would have had some big problems such as a momentary blackout if it worked at all.
  2. Reaper2


    So I am trying to get an idea of how I might be able to make a portal system simuler to that in the game portal and portal 2. I am guessing it would be a object for each portal that creates a camera with it which than sends the image mirrored to the other portal, I have'nt actually tried this yet but the idea seems sound to me. What I can't figure out is how to make it work as a doorway between the two portals that the charecter, which as I would likely do it would be mainly a controlled camera and object for the guns and such on screen, might be able to pass through from one part of a scene to another. Given if the travel problem were solved I am not sure if a camera displaying mirrored images between portals would even be needed. Anyone have any ideas that might help make this work eventually?
  3. Looks to be a awosome idea I wish you luck in bringing it forth into the world. Is it just for making dungeons or will there be character and monster creation aswell? Awosome either way.
  4. Yep thats the one. Okay found it now, Thanks a ton! I will have to experiment with this a bit now and figure out how it works, and once again thank you.
  5. I too find this information helpful but am still stuck due to not being able to locate the generate mip map button in adobe photoshop elements 9, or with the make DDL application. I am probably missing something obviose,but any help would be greatly appriaciated. Does the make DDL application need internet access to work fully, cuase otherwise all it does for me is make the DDL file that the editor does not even recognize as being there, and the 3d world editor shows as black.
  6. I was trying to use the manually create tutorial, the LEbuilder one worked fine though. Maybe I will just have to try the VS 2008 version and see if it works better. Thanks a ton for the advice and I will remember the thread thing for next time. Ultimately it is probably some small detail somewhare I am missing. Again thanks everyone.
  7. Not sure if this area is open to any newbie questions or not but when I try to create the tutorial project it keeps popping up with, "Unable to start program C:Usersusertdocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsSpincube3Spincube3../Spincube3.exe The system cannot find the file specified. I don't know if this is becuese I am using the VS 2010 version or if it is something as stupid as I am not specifying the right area somewhare to find the file. Any help would be greatly appriciated.
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