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  1. Hi everyone. My name is Peter I am Cassius's (Gordon) son. I'm deeply saddened to have to report the passing of my father. He was 99 and died peacefully in hospital a week ago. He loved Leadwerks and this community. I would like to thank Josh and all the many people that helped him over the years with his programming, thank you. Regards Peter
  2. I'm thinking about buying a new PC. I don't plan to spend a fortune and was looking at this one from Cyberpower. What do you think? Would you recommend something different? It uses the GeForce® RTX 3050 8GB graphics card. https://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk/system/Ultra-45-RTX-Next-Day-PC
  3. You can make the weapon a child of the player and position it in relation to the player.
  4. delete the cfg file then run leadwerks again.Worked for me.
  5. I recently checked direct debits going out of my acount every month and noted that the price of my internet provider had almost doubled in a few years, and also my house insurance. These things creep up and you do not notice. So I shopped around and found some cheaper ones, saving around £40 a month. This leaves me space to pay subscriptions for ultraengine, if the price is fairly low per month and does not sneak up after a while.
  6. I have some example code in c++ wehich contains inline functions. What is. How do they differ from normal functions? does it just mean you dont need a header file. I tried asking google but did not understand the answer so keep it simple. Thanks.
  7. I did this a long time ago but after a lengthy layoff I have forgotten how to able crawler in lua script. The script says target - nil. I need to make crawler attack player. At the moment it just has the "idle" anim working.
  8. try deleting the cfg file and re running the editor so it can create a new one.
  9. delete the cfg file then re run le editor.
  10. Thanks guys. Workimg now
  11. I m a de a ramp and it works fine when visible but not when hidden. Am I missing something?
  12. Thanks. I like the wheelchair, I have one just like it. I will be 97 on xmas eve( if I can dodge the dreaded lurgi.
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