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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I use GetDistance to check when two characters are close and I use Point to make one face the other. Dead simple.
  2. I use aggrors c++ tutorial from way back. Still works.
  3. All works fine here. Are you on Linux or windows? is your video card good enough? if so try reinstalling.
  4. This problem came with le 4.2 and vs 2015. It was automatic before.
  5. thanks. Strange thing is one of my old projects works in vs 2015 without any of the above instructions while my other project does not.
  6. I can.t find where to put the linker items. Anyone help with precise directions???? Windows version
  7. cassius


    I created a new project and copied all rellavent files to it. It now runs fine in the editor but not from visual studio which cannot find any models or textures OR map. Where can I find "properties" so I can try entering the items mentioned above?
  8. cassius


    thanks a lot you guys. I hope this will all be automatic before long.
  9. cassius


    I am not very experienced with visual c++ stuff so have to ask how do I add these libs, where are they and where do they go????
  10. cassius


    Since upgrading to le 4.2 one of my existing rojects runs ok in visual c++ 2015, but the other has multiple errors in a header file called evp.h. I have no idea what this file is its not mine. Anyone know ? I am using c++.
  11. I prefer written tutorials as it is easier to check back on them than to replay a video many times. Also listings in a video are difficult to see sometimes.
  12. Quote... In physics, mass is a property of a physical body. It is the measure of an object's resistance to acceleration if you had an object with a mass of 10 then a character with a higher mass could move it on collision.
  13. Yeah its kinda working now,
  14. Thanks mac. Launcher now opens with "all" games showing but nothing responds to mouse selection.
  15. I am trying to re-install gamelauncher from steam site but my eyesight is not good and I can't find where to download it from. Anyone can guide me?? Thanks.
  16. I get Steam error every time I try to run Game launcher from desktop shortcut. Are there changes I missed?
  17. That's a clever bit of code. Thanks a lot.
  18. The problem is my main character can turn its back on enemy but the attack anim continues.I need to end that animation at that point to a walk or run animation. Thanks for replies.
  19. In my third person game the main character has a swordfight with enemy. I use GetDistance to check if they are near enough to fight then the animation starts.The problem is its possible to use the mouse to turn the main charcters back on the enemy and the attack animation continues, which looks silly.Is there some way I can fix this? Thanks.
  20. I mean setting water level in editor. I solved the problem with a little trial and error. Thanks.
  21. I am starting a new map for a third person game. It will have large pools of water through which the character will walk. I need the depth to be waist level in pool center.What is a good depth level to set? Thanks.
  22. Not much sense learning c#. Better to learn c or c++ or lua script and don't wait until next year.There is no other way of making progress. Good luck.
  23. This is a great idea.Anything that produces example code in lua or c++ ( or both) would be welcome. I suggested a "How to" sectin in the forum a long time ago. This is similar idea.
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