This is in c++ but does your code look something like this?
//Create the player
player = Pivot::Create();
player->SetPosition(0, 4, 0);
Aggrors c++ tutorials for le 3.1 still work on current version of le.They include third person and fp examples. I am not sure where you can find them.
( I mean the actual code not the video)
its the coding that I enjoy most and its the only way to make your game a bit different to others. I will never be advanced coder but I make things work. Wouldn't want it any other way.
After making the gun a child of the player instead of the camera, when I run the game the player/camera moves on its own with no key press. If I remove the gun then everything works fine.
Anyone had a similar problem?
I still got Blitzmax and le 2.5 on my machine. Sometimes I am tempted to go back to it, but then the forum would have less interest for me, so I stick with le4
in my fps game a strange effect is occurring. if I press "w" key to move forward and then push forward the mouse my player and camera start going backwards fast and start rising upward way above my map.The only code I have changed in the last 2 days was to change gun from model to prefab.Latest drivers make no difference. Anyone have this problem?
ah. Thanks everyone. looks like if I set up character in editor then save it as prefab I can cu out a lot of coding. I didn't realize that characters could be prefabs.BIG mistake made over a long period of time.
no. Follow works without point but then the enemy walks backward.
It looks to me that the spot point points to is low down on the target character making enemie lean forward when very close.
I am using point and follow with enemy characters but when they get close to the camera/player they lean forward and seem to go downwards.
Can this be corrected in any way/