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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I don't find many bugs in le and they ARE usually fixed quite quickly.
  2. Do a simple project first, just to test the metal and staying power of the team. This team thing has so often failed in the past for one reason or another.
  3. So theres got to be a boss and others obeying his/her orders precisely. These things so often do not work out. I think I prefer to be a loner.
  4. loading and placing objects using code IS fairly simple, and when you have written the code for one you can copy and paste it for all the others with minor alterations. Objects that play no active part can be placed in editor.I have a class called "actor" which includes anything that is active in the game. Even a door is an actor.Good luck anyway.
  5. I hust checked my game which also has a door. The main character has to find a key and then open the door and enter room. The enemy character CAN follow the main character into the room.The door is not a sliding door. The door is loaded and placed by code, not in the editor so navmesh is not a problem. I use c++ but should make no difference.
  6. once I get my model in uu3d I export it as mdl the le format available as a plugin for uu3d. My arteria model is about three years old.
  7. I just tried importing an arteria 3d building into Blender but got message saying only later versions fbx supported. Ultimate unwrap imported it ok though.
  8. You can make a character crouch to go thru small spaces.
  9. Animation shaders are supplied.Click on the animated models material and in the material editor and look in shaders folder for animation shader.
  10. have you remembered to use animation shaders?
  11. What part is not working? The modeling or the scripting? What is empty box for?
  12. unlikely at least in your time at school.
  13. ac3d is the easiest 3d app I ever came across. Its cheap , but does not do animations. EDIT: its well known for designing aircraft.
  14. point lights have to be rendered several times and are expensive. I think spotlights are more economical, but not sure.
  15. I don't know lua script but I know all those scripts work fine unless you modify them and make an error, so I would say show us your code or go over your modifications to find the errors.
  16. I assume you are using c++.Is that correct? IsMore information required if you want help...such as computer specs or some project code.
  17. Hi been doing some optimizing lately with a certain amount of success and I wondered is a hilly terrain more expensive than a flat terrain? On a flat terrain you can see distant objects being drawn which is not very realistic.
  18. yeah. I just change animation speed until I think it looks right.
  19. In le2 spotlights were said to be more economical than point lights. If this is true you can alter the angles of a spotlight and get a more dramatic effect than a point light offers. with less cost in performance.
  20. I think the idea is you get the basic software free but then have to pay for addons that make it more usefull.
  21. Yeah, my game takes a while to load. Sometimes jerky movement is down to low framerate. Don't know in this case. Not enough info to go on.
  22. Wow! Thanks for going to so much trouble.Thats why its a great forum.
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