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Everything posted by cassius

  1. Ok thanks. I am using the pine tree some grass and bushes all supplied with engine . I have not altered shaders myself. I will take a look.
  2. During game at some point a large rectangular shadow covers my terrain. It looks like a cloud has obscured the sun. if I rotate the characterI can lose this shadow. Anyone had this problem
  3. What is lag? Do you mean drop in frame rate?
  4. if you have ultimate unwrap you can center the model so the gizmos are right on center of model.
  5. I was putting 6, thinking that counting began at 0.In c++ the syntax is " Collision::LineOfSight " it seems. Thanks Mac.
  6. You can uv map in almost any 3d app
  7. Got it working with a 7 as the last parameter. Works with any "Scene" object. Still don't know why but that's ok.
  8. No reason why you should not write your own version of app.cpp or use one of the examples in api to get started with. EDIT: or just add your own code to existing app.cpp.
  9. Thanks everyone for explanations.
  10. not sure what value to put in last parameter. I tried 0 to 4. Choosing 4 worked for hilly terrain but then it could not detect walls either.
  11. I have five parameters. If I add two more I get syntax error. What should that line look like? Thanks.
  12. no. how do I do that?
  13. I decided to learn blender by giving it one hour of my time every night. I tried to learn something new each night and I learned quite a lot.
  14. Daz studio is free now. I don't know what it can do though.
  15. Is there supposed to be an image we can look at?
  16. google sketchup is free and very easy to use. ok for making houses etc. there are dozens of tutorials on web.
  17. load and play are mostly all you need. Simple.
  18. Purchase or get them free on various web sites. If you mean how do I implement them then look in the api reference.
  19. THe code below stops the camera getting hidden behind walls in a 3rd person game.Its from an aggror c++ tutorial and works fine with walls. The problem comes in hilly terrain where it thinks a hill is a wall and makes my character disappear and re appear all the time. Anyoe help??? EDIT thegame is ok without this code. but I just wondered. PickInfo pick; if (world->Pick(fpsPivot->GetPosition(), tpsPivot->GetPosition(), pick, 0, true)) { //Store distance float distance = fpsPivot->GetPosition().DistanceToPoint(pick.position); printf((String(distance) + "\n").c_str()); //If the tps distance is to small, we switch to FPS view if (distance < minCamOffset) { camera->SetPosition(fpsPivot->GetPosition()); } else { camera->SetPosition(pick.position); } } else { camera->SetPosition(tpsPivot->GetPosition()); /
  20. I once worked at a supermarket that was haunted.The ghost was down stairs in the wharehouse. Before the store was built a cinema called Rialto was on the site.The wharehouse was the cellar when it was a cinema. A projectionist killed himself in the cellar and caused the haunting. I left the supermarks employ over 30 years ago but some of todays staff tell me they are aware of the ghost. So maybe there is a plot you could use, based on fact.
  21. Yeah. that seems to solve problem or at least minimise it. Thanks.
  22. Nice to know milkshape still works after all this time.I got it but never used it much.
  23. Thanks. I assume that code goes outside of main loop. Is that correct. A setting of 4 seemed to affect the sound in my game but 2 was ok. using c++
  24. When I press W key or any movement key in my game I get a shimmering light effect running along the edges of buildings trees etc. Only during keyboard powered movement. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong? EDIT: does not happen when I run other peoples games with launcher.
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