I have tried that and it makes the fight scene very static and boring to watch.I want the characters to be able to knock objects over, jump on tables etc during fight scenes.
One thing I have done is play the anim only when the characters are VERY close together. I will also slow down the move speed of enemy character which will make it unable to catch up with main character when it runs away.
Thanks for reply.
In my third person game my main character has a sword fight with an enemy.The fight anim starts when the characters are close to each other ( using GetDistance )
The problem is the main character can be rotated with mouse so that its back is facing enemy, but the swordfight anim continues. This looks stupid.
I tried point command , but it seems to be overridden by mouse rotate and keyboard commands ( like W and S)
Any ideas anyone>
I don't think animation has anything to do with collision.
All collidable objects in the game need a physics controller set either in code or in the editor scene panel.
Create a pivot as a physics controller and attach the character to it.
in c++
mycharacter.pivot = Pivot::Create();
mycharacter.pivot->SetPosition(-44, 2.9, 22.0);
Don't worry about the size of the pivot.
EDIT:Or have I misssunderstood your question?
Using c++
Whats the best way to re start a game when it ends?Currently I don't have that option.
Tried goto a label called restart but got syntax error.obviosly Boolean flags would have to b reset.
When I run my game I see a white line on the distant horizon of the terrain.It looks like the textures don't quite cover all the map. Looks ok in editor.
Is there anything I can do in code or editor to fix this?
Yes lua is great if you are new to programmng but if you have some c++ knowledge ad dgon;t like the look of lua thn the odd c++ tut woud come in handy.