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Everything posted by cassius

  1. yeah I have been here since version 1 of le. Had loads of help in that time.
  2. My new character model looks black in the editor. All the textures are not visible. This has happened before a long time ago and I cannot remember how I fixed it. Can anyone help?
  3. I loaded a new character in code but there was a runtime error. Removving the character solved the problem ( for now ) and I am just about to try again.The character is a mounted knight from arteria 3d. There was no error in my c++ code.
  4. getfileinfo failed ( 15) I get this message when I run or debug project in editor. There are no errors in visual studo. Anyone help?
  5. I juast placed a model in the editor. The gizmo was there d but not the model. I then discovered that the model was way up in the sky. How can I fix this???
  6. I had forgotten this thread.It was about le 2. Its the follow function along with point that makes enemy follow main character.
  7. I always use polymesh option for enterable buildings. I have a huge castle model tht works fine.. interesting though, thanks.
  8. I don't understand. Why create basic shapes when there are physics options in the model editor. Or am I missing something?
  9. whichever way you do it you need to set the physics to polymesh ( in model editor and then select model and go into scene panel and make the pysics scene mode etc.
  10. just create a new map in the editor.
  11. The small examples in the api seem to be all there is in c++.Version 3 of le had some examples by aggror jorn which were usefull but may need adjusting for le 4.6. if they are still around.
  12. There is a follow function in the api. Would that do it?
  13. I too use cpp and although a bit shaky in understsnding classes I managed to make a couple and all is going well .I like your post.
  14. cassius


    No tutorials is ok providing the api examples are enough to get a beginner started. Gameplay coding comes easy to me, but not setting up code.
  15. aggrors source code for first person camera and also third person camera still runs ok on my machine without alteration.
  16. I too have been mystified by this blank project problem. I replace all the default source files and substitute my own files but if I use the default files instead where do I start to enter my own code?
  17. Aggror wrote a series of c++ tutorials for le 3.1. One of them still works fine on my pc. Not sure where to find them though.
  18. I tried to use the camera create example in the api using c++ but I get errors.visual studio does not like the word Leadwerks it seems.I know the example has no real errors so where am I going wrong? My project is new and up to date. Leadwerks::Window* window = Leadwerks::Window::Create();
  19. I think people should make the effort to learn programming, after all lua script is dead easy. If you fill this forum with non programmers it is going to be much less usefull and interesting.
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