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Everything posted by cassius

  1. smf isan udio file format. There was a le format called gmf.
  2. Oxymoron? Had to look that one up I learned c a long tie ago and moving to c++ was not too panfull. My current code looks more c than c+++ but it works.
  3. That template in that linklooks very complex. Not for begginers
  4. As far as I can remember there never have been official c++ tuturials. There were third party tutorials in c+= by aggror but I don't know where they are now apart from my own copies which I have kept. I think less experienced c++ coders WILL need a tutorial such as a first person setup at least.
  5. Whats the best way to make a health progress bar for my main character. Text or image? thanks
  6. In my case the pivot IS the character controller.
  7. This works ok for me barb.model->Point(jane.model, 2, Time::GetSpeed()*0.1); barb.pivot->Follow(player, 1.8, 4);; I have not used SetInput with enemy characters, only the main character. The enemies follow main character when at a specified distance. o
  8. I have it filling the screen now which is better than my first intention. It looks ok.
  9. Thanks thirsy panther.
  10. Thanks mac I can use that. I am using "window" now instead of context but it shouldn;t make much difference.
  11. if (title_on) { context->SetBlendMode(Blend::Solid); context->DrawImage(title, 0, 0, context->GetWidth()/2, context->GetHeight() / 2); } This displays image top left of screen which is better but I want it in the middle.
  12. I need more help on this if possible. I used context->GetHeight(); etc but now the dialog ( image) is showing in the lower right side of the screen if (title_on) { int w = context->GetWidth(); int h = context->GetHeight(); context->SetBlendMode(Blend::Solid); context->DrawImage(title, w/2, h/2); }
  13. For those that don't know Psionicgames site has free 3d models including vehicles and animated characters. Might be worth a look.
  14. I need to show a dialog box in center of screen no matter what size monitor is.Are there screenheight and screenwidth variables available?
  15. cassius

    Character Sketches

    a medieval character option would be good.
  16. I think a blank project is what you need. I think the contents of main.cpp can be left as they are without harm., But I am not an advanced c++ user so could be wrong. EDIT: I don't use lua directly but sometimes a script comes with assets.
  17. Third party tutorials have shown a tendency to get lost after a while. That should be sorted out first by having a special place to keep them.
  18. What does Sandbox mode mean? thanks
  19. I have aggrors tutorials zip file but don't know how to attach it. Tried, but did not work.
  20. Aggror did a lot of c++tutorials which still work with le3.6;If anyone has them or knows where they are let us know.
  21. Some of the trees were too low in the ground. Raising them solves the problem. I am using mainly the oak tree from le 2. I think using too many polymeshes is not good for performance although I have seen no bad effect as of yet.
  22. I have a lot of trees in my game and have apolymesh physics body around them; Sometimes mt third person character gets stuck in the lower branches and cannot be moved. Is there a better arrangement possible? Thanks
  23. Are you using "Point command" to make them ( enemies)point to camera?
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