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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I am struggling to get a "die" animation working properly. My routine works for some characters but not for others. Anyone got some code I could look at? c++ preffered but lua ok too.
  2. I don't get this problem after update ( using c++ ) Are you using lua?
  3. My game is similar to Rolands. Its called Wanderlath . Set in medieval times. The king of Wanderlath has been kidnapped by evil men and his daughter Jane, sets out to rescue him. There are puzzles and sword fights , no guns other than a cannon that blows down a castle door.been going at it since le2 on which I still have an unfinished version.
  4. Yeah but its clumsy and frustrating to work with.
  5. since there is no slice tool in the editor whats the best way to cut out a slanting roof of a building? At the moment I could use 3dws but it probably won't run on win 10.
  6. I found it in "all languages", but thanks Roand.
  7. Anyone know how I can stop visual c++ automatically providing closing curly brackets. They cause me all sort of probs. Thanks.
  8. I had this problem at first "new computer etc" but it was not a new computer. The problem righted itself after a couple of emails.Its some glitch in their system. I thin updates are auotomatic.
  9. Some people surround there terrain with steep hills to prevent characters from falling off edge. I prefer water around my terrain.
  10. Ok exit(0) replaced return false. This time the sound effect worked and the attack anim stopped but program ended before die anim could play.Below is the "die" anim code void kill_jane() { if (jane.frame < jane.animlength) { jane.model->SetAnimationFrame(jane.frame, 1, jane.seq); jane.frame = jane.frame + 0.5; } if (jane.frame >= jane.animlength) { scream->Play(); jane.alive = false; } } EDIT :jane.fame starts at 0 and counts up to animlength ie 66 frames
  11. When my main character is killed ( in sword fight) I need to end the game. Currently I have Delay 5000 followed by return false but for some reason the "die" animation only gets half way thru before the program ends. n there is also a scream sound effect which sometimes occurs but at other times does not. How should I smoothly end the game?
  12. Although the idea of a nightmare game might sound original in practise it would just be a first person character moving thru endless maze of rooms, one of the oldest type of games on a pc. So maybe think again?
  13. Had a nasty dream last night. Dreamed I was moving thru endless corridors and dark rooms filled with all kind of monsters and obstacles. Gave me an idea for a game, a nightmare from which you eventually awaken to find you are in your own bed.What do you think? EDIT : or an adult version where you end up in someone elses bed
  14. Yeah it does help,thanks. Some of this lawyer speke leaves me fuming.The model was a free period wardrobe.
  15. I just got a free model from turbosquid and wondered what the licencing terms were.Are they free for personal or commercial use? I tried to read the terms but its too much for me. Anyone know??
  16. cassius


    Does an entity such as a character have a default velocity?
  17. Some really goo answers here. Thanks to all. I try velocity code later tonight.
  18. The velocity thing might work. But maybe the simple answer would be just put a railing up as you probably would in real life.
  19. What I was trying to say is if player is airborne and at a height over 5.0 meters.
  20. Some good ideas there thanks fellas.The following did not work if(player->GetAirborne() && playerPos.y > 5.0) player.alive = false; Caused a crash. Don't know why.Or maybe it worked in the wrong place as the game is set to end when player not alive.
  21. I think its something to do with the player being airborne and its y co ord value at the time of being airborne
  22. I need to know if my main character is above a certain height above ground so I can kill it when it falls from this height. Any ideas?? Thanks.
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