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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I don't know if its my screen setup but I can see black screen with only some vague outlines in the picture. A pity as its a subject of interest to me.
  2. I just designed a message box in paint.net and used drawimage to show it when a key is pressed. It contains instructions for key presses during game.
  3. Thanks, The example code worked just right without alteration.
  4. In my 3rd person game my main character can pick up small objects. From the camera viewpoint its sometimes hard to see these small objects. How can I zoom in on them to get closer view and then zoom out again?
  5. Ihave used paint.net to deign a key press instruction panel to tell game player what various key presses do. Its256 x 256 in size. Whats the best way to get this somewhere near top of the screen when game is running? Thanks.
  6. if your texture is grass or dirt or snow it should just "fill" the whole terrain smoothly without seams.
  7. I think the bak files are your original files after an update, but its a good idea to copy your sourge folder before an update.
  8. I don't use lua, but can't you just change the sequence to the one you want Or do you need a one shot animation?
  9. gimp has make seamless option and photoshop has offset option which is similar in effect.
  10. Its often happened in the past. When new features come out or updates it creates more intense interest for a while, then things go quiet again. EDIT: also its possible that dome purchasers find game making is not so easy and move on to other things.
  11. ac3d is very easy to use .It has loads of export options, but no animation.Adding textures and uv mapping very simple.
  12. I don't need to see the video, I just wanted to get a copy of the original code to compare with some values I changed. But I have found a copy on my external drive that looks like the original , so thanks for help I think I will be ok. EDit: It seems a shame that aggrors hard work has gone to waste as there is a shortage of c++ tutorials.
  13. cassius

    Dev Blog

    How about c++ tutorials? Can existing 3rd party tutorials be made more easy to find? Otherwise very good news.Thanks.
  14. http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/confirm.php?5f11246a784a324c8601
  15. I need to take another look at aggrors third person camera tutorial but although I have opened account the wiki tells me I don't have permission.
  16. This must be the longest thread ever. Yougroove was young when he started it.
  17. Thanks for reply. I got a good fire effect going after a lot of messing around with emmiter properties. As it happens I used the firepit to put the fire in.
  18. I have been trying to use emitter to get fire effect in editor. a small camp fire. After a lot of trial and error I got something that looks more like yellow smoke. It is transparent too. I need a more solid flame. I have photoshop. Any tips?
  19. I had this problem more than once and never solved it. My door had no joints. My character could not get thru center of door but could slip through the edge even though the door was slightly bigger than the door frame. I relied on physics and sometimes it worked, sometimes not.
  20. Thanks, I will try this .
  21. I mean from start to finish and possibly in video form.
  22. It would be great if someone could do a tutorial on "How to make a skybox".Just hoping.
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