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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I don't have any such problem with skybox but being able to see grass under water is not very realistic. In my le 2 game I had 2 characters having a swordfight while up to their waist in water. It looked good. Cannot replicate it in le3, UNLESS someone can tell me how.
  2. Yeah, I can increase that until it hides the terrain and then pull up the terrain with sculpt tool, but its a bit messy as you then have to adjust all buildings.
  3. The water in my terrain has no depth. I have already placed many buildings. Is there a quick way of raising level of terrain in editor so water becomes deeper?
  4. where can I purchase le zombie pack ? thamks. EDIT: Never mind found it.
  5. I purchase all my characters and none so far come with a climbing animation, so ladders are out for me. I can do most things in programming or art work but animating charscters is not one of them.
  6. Working ok in editor now. Thanks.
  7. Ah That water prefab was an old third party one .I have updated project I will try again later.
  8. Ok. I didn't realize that water was a prefab. Now I am getting an expanse of plain pink when I drag water onto scene. What am I doing wrong? thanks.
  9. I just got 3.4 default update which includes water. I updated my project. I get access violation when I click on water mode. What am I doing wrong ? p
  10. Excuse my ignorance, but how do we get the le3.4 default update when its available
  11. Probably not ( officialy ). In le 2 some third party api allowed c sharp.
  12. This works for me ( in c++) badguy.model->Point(jane.model, 2, Time::GetSpeed()*0.1);
  13. Any other skyboxes around for le3. Had a good choice with le2 but they don't work with le 3 and I don't know how to convert them.
  14. If you have uu3d you can centre objects and avoid this prob.
  15. I use only c++. Before updates I make a copy of source folder contents then just swap them over..
  16. All the characters I porchase frpm Ateria are facing the wrong way. I rotate them 180 in uu3d.
  17. Never mind,solved. If I start game on open terrain away from buildings it works without the problem .Strange.
  18. In the default version of le3. Each time I hit space key my 3rd person character jumps higher until its jumping higher than a tree. Its based on aggrors c++ tutorial and that part of code is unaltered by me. Never happened in le 3.2
  19. When we get water in default version of le will it be required to start a fresh map or terrain? I think I will anyway. EDIT: I mean in order to add rivers, lakes.
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