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Everything posted by cassius

  1. Tried to follow this but it lost me in a few minutes.Couldn;t hear the voice or see how things were being done. But I am very old so that's part of the reson; Tutorials that only do one thing, such as putting texture on cube would suit me better BUIT your efforts are much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Thanks Ronald. Thanks Yougroove ( like the avatar)
  3. Yeah. I tried uv image and loaded in an image but it does not appear on the object(a cube) when I click on texture paint.The object turns purple.
  4. I m struggling to find a way of getting textures onto objects in blender.The only video I found was a bit dated and long winded. Anyone point me in right direction?
  5. As far as I can remember in le 2.5 you created the water at a certain depth and hen used sculpt to lift up parts of terrain to create lakes and rivers
  6. I just chrcked my code and yes you use potnt with the character not its controller.
  7. I aw nthing wrong in a thread askng us to compare le2 with le3. Some of the answes have been interesting to read.
  8. Currently the le2 verson of my game "looks" better than le3 with its water and atmosphere but I am not worried just impatient for updates. Incidently you could use blitzmax to write le2 games, but as Rick says game play was harder to figure out.
  9. Why not explain your problem in more detail so someone can help. Moving elsewhere is probably not the answer.
  10. Does batch generate mateials detect characters and select animated shaders by default?
  11. enjoyed the video, good ideas here.
  12. I used aggrors c++ tutorial too , but I did not use parenting. Instead I just placed the character(player) in front od camera in my main loop. jane.model->SetPosition(player->GetPosition()); jane.model->Move(0, 1.5, 0); jane.model->SetRotation(0, camRotation.y, camrotation.z)
  13. if you are using lua then maybe someone else can help.
  14. Find the walk sequence in model editor then change to that sequence in your code.
  15. Thus forum is not THAT busy most times and the search engine is not brilliant so why worry about similar questions being asked multiple times. yougroove has just posted 3 threads on terrain subject when 1 would be enough.
  16. Yes. it was the shaders. Working now. Thanks.
  17. I am using c++ , no scripts My characters from other vendors work ok.I will check the shaders,I used "batch" to create materials.
  18. I have some zombie characters I purchased from tgc a long time ago. When I animate them in model editor only the skeleton animates, the model remains still. Anyone help???
  19. difficult to say unless you give us a few clues.
  20. That graphics card is described as " ultra powerfull" in review I just read.
  21. I have noticed that my character walks faster in some directions than in others ,starting off at the desired spped but increasing speed until it looks too fast for a person walking. The jump height also increases and decreases, sometimes looking correct and sometimes capable of jumping right off the map.I have checked my code and the set values are not being multiplied. Anyone else have this problem?
  22. ok. all fixed. thanks for help Edit: My apologies for being so thick.But that steam interface is hard to fathom at times
  23. Heres a full explanation. I uninstalled leadwerks with the intention of getting a clean re install. To re install I used the reg number for indie version and then the reg number for std version but the second one did not install the std version and now I am stuck with indie version. I know c++ nt lua So is it possible to get back the std version?
  24. I tried to re install the standard version but only got the indie version. Theres no c++ option. That's the problem Is there no provision for a clean install.
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