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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I can see launch leadwerks but not install
  2. Where do I go to install on steam.
  3. have just tried to re install leadwerks on steam using the indie reg number followed by the standard c++ reg number. I managed to get the indie version but not the c++ version I had before. It tells me to enter the number and press next but there is no next option, only finish which does nothing. Now its telling me I have had too many tries. How do I get my standard version back?
  4. $(LeadwerksHeaderPath)\Libraries\VHACD\src\VHACD_Lib\inc Where exactly do I put this code, mentioned in Josh s update blog??
  5. Has anyone come up with a way of making lakes etc in our terrain maps? I see some animated water normal maps in workshop but have no idea how to use them.
  6. Have you applied the material in the model editor?
  7. make sure your graphics card can handle opengl 4.0 before purchase.
  8. I suppose an "end product" means a finished game that begginers can modify without too much effort to learn coding.I think the current tutorials are enough to get you started ,but more are always welcome. One observation I would make is if you make video tutorials please make them full screen sizeable for the sake of visibility
  9. Well this kind of criticism may be tough on the ego but it makes interesting reading for the rest of us, and maybe we can even learn from it.Constructive criticism helps and is worth having.
  10. yep. debug and release builds required.
  11. There are plenty of official and third party tutorials in c++ and lua.Finding them could be made easier it seems judging by the number of complaints we get from newcomers.
  12. game engine books get out of date quickly
  13. Not sure if this is a bug. The jump height of my ( third person ) character is set at 5.0 which works fine at first ,but after character has walked over hills in terrain the jump height becomes as high as the hills were.Anyone had this problem? EDIiT: After further checks I see that this behaviour reverts back to normal after a short while.
  14. Ok. Its working now. Visual c++ wasn;t producing the exe files but now does so. Another difference since update is my character jumps very high when I hit the spacebar( bt not every time I run game.
  15. Since changing to steam version my game will not launch from editor in debug or release mode.It runs fine from visual c++ however. Anyone help? I am using c++ .
  16. Hi Josh. I sent you an email asking to r trade in standard standalone licence for steam licence. Sent it to support. EDIT: Got it. Thanks. This steam looks weird.
  17. if you get both keys do you actually have to install indie version first.or can you just install standard version?
  18. will I need to install steam?
  19. ok Josh. I am willing to trade my licence for steam version. Whats next?
  20. ok yes. I would like to trade my key for the steam version. What do I do next? EDIT: I have c++ version standalone.
  21. Now its released is there a standalone update available?
  22. right click on your model in asset browser to create a shape file, which has a phy extension.Choose polymesh and save file. Then in scene tab select your model and look at its properties. Where it says "shape file load in your phy file and set models mass to 0.0.
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